Friday, August 28, 2020

Free Essays on Males In Healthcare

The Impact of Male Nurses on the Maternity Unit Theoretical The quantity of men entering the baccalaureate nursing program is consistently expanding. The maternity pivot has caused a lot of irresoluteness for both the male nursing understudy and baby blues moms. Instructors can help the male nursing understudy perceive the patient’s concerns, distresses just as their own bias before entering the maternity unit. The male understudy, in this way, must put forth an attempt to comprehend the patient’s fears and defeat their characteristic biases about the maternity unit. Today’s nursing is centered around Family Centered Care. The male understudy medical caretaker can use this data and become a significant individual from the medicinal services group endeavoring to give Family Centered Care inside the maternity unit The Impact of Males on the Maternity Unit Men working in the nursing calling can be gone back to 800-600 B.C, India. During this time, emergency clinics were worked to give essential nursing care and comprised absolutely of men (Davis and Bartfay, 2001). In Canada, the main medical attendants who gave care to the wiped out were additionally men (Lodge, Mallett, Black and Fryall, 1999). In an examination directed by Davis and Bartfay (2001) male RN medical caretakers comprise roughly 4.6 % of all rehearsing attendants in Canada. As of late, the pattern has changed and a more noteworthy number of guys are going into the nursing programs. Patterson and Morin (2002) have refered to a consistent ascent in the quantity of male applying to the baccalaureate nursing programs. The prerequisites for the level of nursing involve working inside a wide range of orders. The maternity unit is one territory that has caused a lot of conversation about the students’ biases and the patient’s emotions towards a male giving baby bl ues nursing care. The concentration in nursing is plainly founded on family focused consideration (Blundell, 1990). The male medical caretaker must be... Free Essays on Males In Healthcare Free Essays on Males In Healthcare The Impact of Male Nurses on the Maternity Unit Theoretical The quantity of men entering the baccalaureate nursing program is consistently expanding. The maternity turn has caused a lot of vacillation for both the male nursing understudy and baby blues moms. Instructors can help the male nursing understudy perceive the patient’s concerns, inconveniences just as their own previously established inclination before entering the maternity unit. The male understudy, subsequently, must put forth an attempt to comprehend the patient’s fears and conquer their inherent assumptions about the maternity unit. Today’s nursing is centered around Family Centered Care. The male understudy medical attendant can use this data and become a significant individual from the medicinal services group endeavoring to give Family Centered Care inside the maternity unit The Impact of Males on the Maternity Unit Men working in the nursing calling can be gone back to 800-600 B.C, India. During this time, medical clinics were worked to give essential nursing care and comprised absolutely of men (Davis and Bartfay, 2001). In Canada, the primary medical attendants who gave care to the debilitated were additionally men (Lodge, Mallett, Black and Fryall, 1999). In an examination directed by Davis and Bartfay (2001) male RN medical attendants establish around 4.6 % of all rehearsing medical caretakers in Canada. As of late, the pattern has changed and a more prominent number of guys are going into the nursing programs. Patterson and Morin (2002) have refered to a persistent ascent in the quantity of male applying to the baccalaureate nursing programs. The necessities for the level of nursing involve working inside a wide range of controls. The maternity unit is one zone that has caused a lot of conversation about the students’ predispositions and the patient’s emotions towards a male giving baby blues nursing care. The concentration in nursing is obviously founded on family focused consideration (Blundell, 1990). The male attendant must be...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fast media report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quick media report - Essay Example The media that was generally hard to stay away from was the telephone. This is on the grounds that with the telephone am ready to get to web, messaging, content informing, face book and tweeting. Moreover, am ready to keep in contact with my relatives, companions, and associates in all edges of the planet without any difficulty and simultaneously oversee ventures with groups in various urban areas inside the most brief time conceivable. Without the telephone, I missed my old daily practice of consistent browsing my messages, Facebook, and messaging with my companions and associates. I love the data sharing through the web based life stages thus existence without it was charming to me (Simon, 2010). Halfway through the activity, I was feeling confined and desolate. I envisioned that I previously had gotten a few calls that I was unable to reply. I felt the inclination and need to browse my messages and could just envision the news and data I was missing in face book and other web based life stages. The reliance was sickening and sucking and I felt that I was on a remote location where no one thought about my prosperity. The impulse to get to the internet based life stages continued happening practically constantly during the eight hours. The eight hours appeared as though a month to me and I was unable to hold on to return to my old daily practice of long range interpersonal communication, content informing, messaging, and staying in contact with all the individuals I collaborated with (Simon, 2010). The media that I missed most was my telephone. It was difficult for me to abandon tuning in to music that I have put away in my telephone. Tuning in to music when am strolling, examining or simply doing a few tasks around the house helps in keeping my states of mind right. Absence of music constrained me to cooperate with individuals, open up discussions with individuals I never used to interface with just to fix my temperaments. A foundation that is too very makes it hard for me to concentrate or focus on what am doing and

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Conclusion Recommendations Construction Essay

The Conclusion Recommendations Construction Essay From the unstructured meeting apparently Anthony is to some degree baffled with the absence of help for timber outline lodging. Anthony has effectively developed two five-story loft squares of timber outline with no issues, yet the general population are worried about two story timber structures. All the more should be done to showcase the advantages of timber outline lodging and to teach general society. In spite of the fact that Anthony recommends that timber outline development will turn out to be progressively well known later on because of new structure guidelines requiring expanded warm execution and the Code for Sustainable Homes, it can't be relied upon to occur without any forethought. In spite of the legislatures drive for manageable turns of events and utilizing sustainable development materials, for example, timber, their help to the timber business is constrained. Notwithstanding, the timber business can't stand by any more drawn out with the expectation that the legislature will assist with convincing general society to build their homes of timber outline. The timber business need to step up to the plate and put resources into promoting methods that are useful to the business. The administration, planners, manufacturers and engineers all have a significant part to play in raising the consciousness of timber outline development. More than seventy five percent of Anthonys work is in the open area. With government financing lessening year on year and restricted benefits to be produced using open lodging Anthony is subject to private houses. He is quick to accomplish progressively bespoke timber outline houses however until open recognition transforms he realizes bespoke timber outline houses are meager. 8.0 end Recommendations 8.1 Introduction In the wake of doing the essential and optional research, a careful comprehension of timber outline development has been created. It is felt that all necessities set out in the points and targets have been accomplished. The writing audit talked about in detail the present condition of timber outline development in the United Kingdom and the significant job it has later on for the development business. The different parts, plan parameters and guidelines of timber outline development were talked about in detail. Timber outline was looked at against conventional stone work in numerous angles all through the examination. The contextual analyses showed how adaptable timber outline plan and development can be. The meeting and polls featured the numerous elements that are limiting timber outline development in Northern Ireland and what should be possible to enable it to advance. 8.2 Conclusion Generally, houses in the UK and Ireland are built of blocks and cement, and timber outline is viewed as an elective strategy for development. There are numerous hindrances forestalling timber outline from advancing from an elective technique for development into a standard contender of customary brick work. In the lodging part, it shows up timber outline development is enduring because of the publics negative observation. As was appeared in the survey, albeit countless the general population perceive the advantages of timber outline development they are as yet careful about it and the larger part would like to fabricate their own homes utilizing customary brick work. The survey likewise featured the issues the open apparent timber outline development to have, for example, auxiliary flimsiness, poor imperviousness to fire, poor incentive on the property and constrained plan. Timber outline development is the most well known type of development utilized all through the world, however here in Northern Ireland it is viewed as modest and delicate and accordingly individuals don't rate it on a similar level as customary stone work. This examination has demonstrated all the apparent issues to be false and built up there is a general absence of getting, information and across the board accessibility of data, which has prompted people in general opposing change from conventional types of development. The development business is generally traditionalist towards new techniques for development subsequently numerous engineers and contractual workers trust it to be a considerable hazard to join timber outline development into their private lodging plans. Lodging affiliations are quick to utilize timber outline as they need to accomplish level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes with negligible expenses while profiting by the precision and insignificant waste that construction offers. Private engineers won't use timber outline development until they are sure people in general are set up to buy a timber outline home as they would prefer not to downgrade their site. An apparent issue inside the business was the newness of timber outline from plan through to development. There is some disquiet inside the business in regards to timber outline development, while some are tolerating it; others are careless in regards to its reality. The development business, all in all, need to begin to acclimate themselves with timber outline plan, timber outline specifying and timber outline development. For timber outline development to create, its basic that the business experts acknowledge timber outline development and pass the advantages onto customers. Despite the fact that the contextual investigations showed that timber outline is an adaptable technique for development, until open and industry valuation for the advantages of timber outline expands, brick work development will remain the predominant type of development inside the UK. It is significant that the advantages of timber outline development are very much exhibited so as to pick up acknowledgment inside the business and the overall population. Endless supply of the data gathered throughout this examination, apparently timber outline development can be utilized in the development of complex bespoke homes. Timber outline development can offer general society and the business numerous advantages, in any case, the exploration demonstrates that until timber outline discernment transforms, it will battle to affect Northern Ireland such that it conceivably could. With new structure guidelines, due to be discharged in the second 50% of 2010, a further increment in guidelines due in 2013, zero carbon homes in 2016 and the presentation of The Code for Sustainable Homes; it is likely timber edge will develop in ubiquity because of its warm capacity and naturally benevolent nature. In any case, open and industry mindfulness need to increment before the importance of timber outline development can be completely valued. 8.3 Limitations The polls must be short and compact, and not excessively specialized to keep the enthusiasm of the respondent. This could have brought about inadequate information being gathered. Albeit a sum of sixty polls were disseminated in the North West, just forty were returned. To accomplish a more extensive range of results more polls could have been distributed and presented on further areas of the territory, for example, Belfast. The single meeting directed was extremely helpful in getting a timber outline makers see on various parts of the business. In spite of the fact that plans were set up to meet another two timber outline makers, the meetings never emerged. It would have been gainful to direct further meetings to assemble a more extensive scope of perspectives. The two contextual investigations gave a knowledge into two contradicting timber outline structures. It would have been productive to explore a second bespoke house to increase a further knowledge into the strategies used to develop bespoke timber outline homes. 8.4 Recommendations When completing exploration for this examination the general population, and a few callings inside the development business, seemed to have a negative view of timber outline development. A further zone that could be examined is the manner by which these negative recognitions can be changed. Further research could be attempted into showcasing efforts to build familiarity with timber outline development. Explore how publicizing and advancement could be utilized to teach individuals on the advantages of timber outline development and check whether government support is required. Another zone of further research could be modern preparing. There is an absence of information inside the business about timber outline plan and enumerating. An examination concerning how further timber preparing is required inside the business. Conceivably there are insufficient courses and bolster accessible, or possibly there is no administration subsidizing in this way no motivating force for bosses to send their workforce. Timber outline plan and enumerating could likewise be taken a gander at in college courses. Napier are offering timber science degrees, this is potentially the method for what's to come.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Taking Advantage of Writing Paper Service

Taking Advantage of Writing Paper ServiceLooking for writing paper service? A company specializing in writing paper services is definitely a dream come true for a writer. A simple paper with good formatting skills is all that is needed to clear the competition of quality writers. These days, more people are using computers to write their papers and with the recent inventions like word processing programs and word processors, it has become easier to write their papers and handle online editing.When you opt for writing paper service, you can edit and organize your work with ease. Without a doubt, writing paper is one of the most expensive forms of writing jobs. Instead of searching for writers, you can find the right ones to help you out in a cost-effective manner. A writer who is experienced in this industry can help you out with designing your paper in such a way that you don't have to.Choosing a company that offers writing service has its own advantages. It enables you to search for writing paper service in the various websites available to you and with no hassle. You can either read and write your papers online and it saves time and effort for you.Online writing business is one of the best. With an internet connection, you can easily find a writing service on any of the websites available. There are a lot of websites out there, all offering a quality writing service. At the same time, they can help you out with choosing the right type of paper to be prepared, so that your work is easier to do.The quality of writing paper that you will get with a writing service has its own advantages. Instead of spending money on preparing a paper, you can save it with this service. It will be easy for you to manage the project and change as per the requirements. Moreover, you can write your work in paper format and do some online editing to make it more polished. Youwill also be able to work as much as you want.Writing paper in such a way that you can edit it at any point of time makes it easier for you to work with ease. You don't have to worry about any small things because the editing will be done at your end. A good writing service will take care of writing process in such a way that you don't have to worry about any editing mistakes. They will also have professional writing skills to guide you through your project. Writing service companies have customized writing services, so that you can feel comfort while working.You can have free access to online tutorials that will help you manage your project as per your needs. It will also keep you updated with the latest developments. When you opt for a writing service, you can take advantage of its special writing materials. This will definitely help you save your time and resources for better result.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Receiving the Medal of Honor - 588 Words

The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest medal for valor in combat that can be awarded to members of the armed forces (The United States Army Medal of Honor). But what are the criteria for the Medal of Honor? According to the United States Navy it is a person who: distinguishes himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty—(1) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States; (2) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or (3) while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party (The United States Navy Medal of Honor). Let’s say, hypothetically, I am on a committee and I have to decide whether a brave soldier deserves a Medal of Honor for actions of extraordinary valor in combat. The soldiers brave action was jumping on what he t hought was a grenade while under heavy fire. However, what was thought to be a grenade was actually a cleverly carved mango. With that being said, should this soldier receive the Medal of Honor, or was this a classic case of moral luck, therefore, he should not be honored with the Medal? I do believe the Medal of Honor should be awarded to this soldier because every situation has an element of luck and different variables that are out of our control. The criterion for the Medal of Honor qualifies this soldier forShow MoreRelatedKyle Carpenter : Hero Of The Ages841 Words   |  4 Pagesallowed him to be awarded the Medal Of Honor. The Medal Of Honor is the highest military honor. Awarded for personal acts of valor and going above and beyond the call of duty. The evidence given above proves that Carpenter is humble,brave,very loyal to his men,and a hero. Carpenter speaks and encourages people. It is proven that the Medal Of Honor is â€Å"a tough medal to have and it is a tough thing to be honored with†. Navy Corpsman Don Ballard, who received the Medal Of Honor during Vietnam says â€Å"it sRead MoreThe Marine Corps Boot Camp1466 Words   |  6 PagesThe thirteen weeks are broken up into key training events. Along with each specific training event, recruits are continuously learning about Marine Corps history, drill movements, and enduring physical exercises on a day to day basis. Week one is â€Å"Receiving Week†, where all administrative, and medical paperwork is created, gear is issued, and the Initial Strength Test is given (IST). The IST is comprised of pull ups, crunches and a mile and a half run, which prepares recruits for the Physical FitnessRead MoreLetter For Support For Recognizing My Husband, Frank R. 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The Stolen Valor Act of 2014 was signed by Barack Obama in 2013 and considers fraudulently claiming to be a medal recipient a federalRead MoreExperience, Education And Expertise Level Of Motivation And Interest877 Words   |  4 Pagesfinishing in honors and receiving full admiration from staff and peers Spanish Translator 6/14/15-7/13/15 Complete translation from English to Spanish to help guide people who don’t comprehend the language, this helped spread more diverse ethnicity to the school, through this website edition I learned to add website management to my skill set. Education Berkley Accelerated Middle School 2009-2012 In just sixth grade I began to take high school honor classes and obtain academic honors and A honor roll,Read MoreMoakley Peace Medal Acceptance Speech860 Words   |  4 PagesPeace Medal Acceptance Speech In accepting this award on behalf of my father, I would like to begin as he would, by offering his and my most sincere and humble gratitude to Chancellor Motley and to the University of Massachusetts and its distinguished members for creating this medal and for choosing my father and, in a broader sense, the YaLa movement, as the recipients of the Moakley Peace medal. The very existence of the Moakley Chair of Peace and Reconciliation and of the Moakley Peace Medal areRead MoreThe Network Of A Network1104 Words   |  5 Pages20 Grammy’s and has been nominated for numerous other awards. Beyoncà © has donated and supported 38 foundations and charities. She is co-founder of an organization called Chime for Change, which focuses on the empowerment of women of all ages to receiving justice, health services and education. I chose Beyoncà © as a member of my Stiletto Network because she is inspiring and ambitious. She has already has helped start many organization in which promo te equality for women, which our network could buildRead MoreMarian Anderson : An American Concert Performer From Philadelphia1385 Words   |  6 Pages At first, the First lady was hesitant to challenge the DAR, believe that the â€Å"situation [was] so bad that plenty of people [would] come out against it† (FDR Library 2015). Instead, she started her support by presenting Anderson with the Spingarn Medal at the national convention of the National Association for the advancement of Colored People (the NAACP). However, her quiet rebellion was not achieving the kind of results she had wanted. So on February 26, 1939, the First Lady officially resignedRead MoreMilitary Generals And General Douglas Macarthur1577 Words   |  7 Pagesnot removed from that list by nine o’clock tomorrow morning I will resign.† Normally, the cadet would be punished or expelled for threatening the instructor, but MacArthur had a strong political and military background as his father re ceived the Medal of Honor on multiple occasions, also reaching the rank of General, and his grandfather acted as a judge of the Supreme Court. Because of his families’ successful background MacArthur showed much promise with his intellect and the instructor removed his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Labor Relations Southwests Current Issues - 1425 Words

Current Issues Despite Southwest’s long standing reputation as an employer who makes their employees and customers happy, there have been storms brewing in the company’s labor relations and customer relations sector. As was mentioned before, Southwest recently acquired AirTran Airways and revealed plans to take its already successful domestic business international with flights to Mexico and the Caribbean (Martin, 2014). This organizational restructuring is causing Southwest to have what Time Magazine’s Brad Tuttle calls an â€Å"identity crisis† for the airline whose new advertisements have removed the humor they are famous for and the messages of â€Å"bags fly free† from commercials. Bob Jordan, a Southwest executive, explained the change as a†¦show more content†¦Another reason the airlines’ employees disagree about adding seasonal workers is because Southwest is also in another contract negotiation that may mean freezing pay scales to prevent company lay-offs. It seems unfair to add more employees who will also be looking for a piece of the monetary pie. These labor relations issues are new to Southwest, and for the first time the company’s problems, and not their great customer service, are putting them in the spotlight. To overcome this, the company will need to tread gently and find ways to successfully negotiate with their unions (Maher, 2014). Potential ways to manage and influence relationships to benefit all The success of Southwest Airline and their substantial growth are unquestionable, despite some of their recent setbacks, and they are even used as an example in American business colleges as one of the best organizations to work for. They have been often praised for their culture of going the extra mile for their employees and customers; and consequently they have a series of unions which historically they have had good relations with. As previously discussed in actuality southwest is having some internal disputes over the new union contracts and this is causing turmoil within the company (Maxon, 2014). These current issues they are facingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Strategy Of Southwest Airlines1633 Words   |  7 Pagescosts, keeping its unique culture intact, changes in the leadership of the company, and continually finding excellent talent. Southwest’s talent is selected very carefully, and at the same time is compensated very competitively, resulting in restively low labor cost for the company. The continued access to and availability of talents has a direct impact on Southwest’s operating strategy of being the cheapest and most efficient airline, which in turn depends on highly motivated employees whoRead MoreSouthwest Airlines11551 Words   |  47 PagesSeptember 11, 2001 were thought by some on Southwest’s management team to make it more difficult for the airline to maintain its distinctive competitive position. For example, industry bailout efforts by Congress were intended to help Southwest’s competitors that were in the worst financial condition. The need to respond to constantly changing security directives made it harder for employees to create and convey the Southwest SPIRIT. More recently, Southwest’s organization had increased efforts to maintainRead MoreSouthwest Airline Case Study15774 Words   |  64 Pagesairline industry in 1974 and offered it ever since. In 2000, Southwest offered its employees a record-setting $138M in profit sharing. This tax-deferred compensation represented an additional 14.1 percent of each employees annual salary. The current mission statement of Southwest Airlines does not satisfactorily address each component of the Evaluation Matrix of Mission Statements and therefore should be revised. I have revised the mission statement and believe the revision below better addressesRead More The History of Southwest Airlines Essay3823 Words   |  16 PagesSWA immediately began to expand. In 1972 all Houston service is transferred to Houstons Hobby Airport form Houston Intercontinental, that is make more convenient for people to fly. During the first year of operations the customers were the Southwests first priority. Five years after the first operated a twin-engine the SWA places its sixth Boeing 737 into service while flying over one and a half million satisfied customers to their destinations. Also at the same year SWA gets clearance toRead MoreSouthwest Airlines: a Strategy Perspective3414 Words   |  14 Pagesstrategy: â€Å"If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline.† This approach has been the key to Southwest’s success. Currently, Southwest serves about 60 cities (in 31 states) with 71 million total passengers carried (in 2004) and with a total operating revenue of $6.5 billion. Southwest is traded publicly under the symbol â€Å"LUV† on NYSE. Facts: Read MoreBest article11361 Words   |  46 PagesAirlines, was packing her briefcase at the end of a 17-hour day. Tomorrow was an off-site meeting with the top nine executives of Southwest Airlines. The agenda for the meeting was to review Southwest’s competitive position in light of recent actions by United and Continental, both of whom had entered Southwest’s low fare market. That day’s New York Times (September 16, 1994) had an article that characterized the situation as a major showdown in airline industry: No tC This is a battle royalRead MoreSouthwest Airlines Case3622 Words   |  15 Pagesairline industry, SWA financials have remained strong. * Currently has $3.3 billion in cash and short-term investments, and an available $600 million revolving credit line (Schlangenstein, Hughes, 2010). * Limited control over fuel and labor costs has their impacted their low-cost reputation * Salaries, wages, and benefits constituted approximately 29 percent of their operating cost in 2011 (SWA, 2010). * Jet fuel and oil constituted approximately 38 percent of theRead MoreSouthwest Airlines : The Most Important Airline3734 Words   |  15 Pagesairplanes, it is difficult to predict how and if changes are coming and how they may be affected. Demographics Airline travel has continued to increase over the years. As our economy continues to grow so will globalization which includes the trading of labor (people). The demand for air travel to countries around the world continues to increase and airlines like Southwest are continuously responding with more flights and purchasing of bigger airplanes to accommodate more passengers. It can be seen thatRead MoreSouthwest Airlines Motivational Profile3108 Words   |  13 Pagesenter mergers with other floundering legacy carriers. The latest bankruptcy announcement comes from American Airlines, the last of the legacy carriers to file for Chapter 11 protection (De La Merced, 2011). Heavy debt, inefficient aircraft, and high labor costs are forcing American Airlines to restructure just to compete. Profitable airlines are increasingly dependent on consumer fees, fewer routes, and sold out planes to maintain a positive cash flow. Background of Southwest Airlines SouthwestRead MoreSouthwest Airlines Case Study in 2010 Essay21106 Words   |  85 Pageseconomic power to squeeze us dry so we would collapse before we ever got into business. I was bound and determined to show that Southwest Airlines was going to survive and was going into operation.†3 In January 1971, Lamar Muse was brought in as Southwest’s CEO to get operations under way. Muse was an aggressive, self-confident airline veteran who knew the business well and who had the entrepreneurial skills to tackle the challenges of building the airline from scratch and then competing head-on

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Performing and Visual Arts Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Performing and Visual Arts Persuasive Essay It has been said that for centuries the many have debated without resolution of defining the word art (Spore, 2011). The definition of performing and visual art can be described as a creative form of communication through several different outlets. These may include plays, music, paintings, sculptures, dance and so much more. My personal experience with art has been such a positive influence in my life. Art has always been my escape. When was a teenager was going through some hard family times. On my lunch break at school Loud go into the music room and teach myself how to play the piano. Typically I get frustrated very easily when do not know how to do something and I do not pick up on it right away. My fingers were not limber enough for IANA, knew how to read music but had no idea where these notes were located on the piano, I was clueless. For some reason sitting at that piano calmed me, I never once got frustrated. To this day music is still an outlet for me. More often then that includes dancing to go with it. Eve to dance for fun, dance away my stress. Adore watching true dancers perform more than anything. Often watch the Television show You Think You Can Dance on Fox. There has been so many times that the performance has made me cry. There are several things that go into this amazing performance making me cry. The choreographer turn heir story into a vision of dance in their head and pair it with the perfect song. A choreographer can have a great dance but without t he perfect dancers then it will never come across right. The dancer has to have the raw emotion come through their performance as well. The wardrobe also helps create this character the dancer is trying to portrait. When all of these elements are paired together just right it creates a truly magical experience for me. Think humans cannot help ourselves in creating art. We are a very creative, intelligent and emotional species, I think that art is our way of expressing ourselves, telling our stories and caching out to others. Art creates a common ground tort people that they may not otherwise have. One of the first things infants do is coo at themselves almost in song. When an infant gets to a point where they can stand or walk first instinct is to bounce when they hear music. To be without art would to be without emotion and passion. It seems that it is almost encoded into our DNA to have creativity and artistic abilities, even if it is in just the mildest form References D. J. Spore, Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities. (up. 1-235). Upper Saddle River Prentice Hall.