Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Rise Of College Tuition - 2217 Words

Proposed topic: The Rise of College Tuition, Our Freedom of Choice and Fairness. Introduction: College rising tuition is currently the hottest topics debated by political and social interest’s groups who pretty much understand that if this is not fixed soon, it will have long damaging effects on our convalescent economy. It is important to be reminded that college education play a tremendous multiplier role in our economy that holds more the 50% of college graduates. (College Has Been Oversold by Alex Tabarrok.) However due to the rising number of Americans willing to go college and the cost it represents to accommodate everyone—especially those students coming from low income families that are more dependent on student’s loans—the narratives of some lawmakers and political leaders have since quite changed. William Bennett, former secretary of education, once argued that: â€Å"Too many people are going to college.† In the search for a career, Bennett believes, a college education provides less advantage than is commonly assumed, thus luring students to take loans. He would prefer to see the United States emulate countries like Germany, where most young people are tracked into vocational training, and he wants more Americans who do go to college to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics rather than what he calls â€Å"irrelevant material.† Before attempting college at all, students should â€Å"critically evaluate the data: student-loan debt, return on investment,Show MoreRelatedThe Rise Of College Tuition1344 Words   |  6 Pagesdream to go to college with the hope to be successful; but with the fact that the skyrocketing college tuition is increasing every year might turn those dreams into nightmares. There are many research have been proven that the m ain factors which cause the high cost of postsecondary education was the lack of funding from government, increase of students as well the increase of administrators. But beside those given facts, there are seems to be more deep hidden truth that most college students and theirRead MoreThe Rise Of College Tuitions1937 Words   |  8 PagesThe sudden rise of college tuitions began right after the recession in 2008. Many people lost their jobs, and their current jobs were not paying well enough for them to survive through this devastating time. More people turned to higher education and college tuition began to rise because obtaining college majors will guarantee a higher pay other than minimum wage. This downturn didn’t end here because over the years, tuition rose even higher. In 2014, the debt for college students reached to 1.2Read MoreCollege Tuition Cost On A Rise Essay1254 Words   |  6 PagesCollege Tuition Cost on a Rise The rising cost of education in Texas colleges started in 2003 when the deregulation was lifted. Then, soon after, the Texas State legislature cut the education budget because of a drop in the economy in 2008. The cut in funding and the removal of the deregulation law allowed colleges across Texas a way to recoup lost resources by raising the cost of tuition. The raising cost of tuition has limited the amount of attending students from graduating in the expected timeRead MoreThe Rise And Fall Of College Tuition1575 Words   |  7 PagesAdrianna Hodges Professor Robert Howell English 102 21 October 2015 The Rise and Fall of College Tuition in the United States In the recent debate regarding the implementation of free college tuition across the United States, Jon Wiener, a Los Angeles journalist for The Nation, and Kelly Field, chief Washington reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education who covers different federal education policies, discuss why college tuition should be abolished in the United States of America and the role ofRead MoreRising Tuition Prices1384 Words   |  6 Pagesorder to get a good paying job, a college degree is required. More people are attending college in order to get better paying jobs, but is going to college worth a good job with rising tuitions across the nation? According to College Board, from 2002-2003 to 2012-2013, the average tuition and fees for a private institution rose about an average of 2.4% every year. As tuition prices increases every year, it affects millions of college students. It affects college students who have to use governmentRead MoreHigher Education At The United States Essay1226 Word s   |  5 Pagesintroduced in 1636 when Harvard University first opened its doors. At the time, college was seen as an exclusive institution, typically reserved for the wealthy elite. In the 1600’s, a college degree was not necessary to get a decent job and make a living; therefore, there was not a high demand for it. Since then, public opinion and attitudes about higher education have changed significantly. In today’s job market, a college degree is a requirement for a majority of positions. Employers’ demand for highlyRead MoreThe Driving Forces Behind College Tuition Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesForces Behind College Tuition Hikes Higher education in the United States was introduced in 1636 when Harvard University first opened its doors. At the time, college was seen as an exclusive institution, typically reserved for the wealthy elite. In the 1600’s, a college degree was not necessary to get a decent job and make a living; therefore, there was little demand. Since then, public opinion and attitudes about higher education have changed significantly. In today’s job market, a college degree isRead MoreIncreasing Tuition Rates Cause Students1131 Words   |  5 PagesIncreasing tuition rates cause students to borrow more money which will impact their financial future should they have difficulty obtain a job in their chosen career field. Tutition costs began their rise in 1970s but it wasn’t until the 1980s that government funding began to decline and the tuition rates began their steady climb regularly outstripping the median family income. (Ehrenberg) The average cost of tuition at a four year pubic institution increased from to $2,387 per year in 1975-1976Read MoreRising College Tuition in America661 Words   |  3 PagesRising College Tuition in America â€Å"College Prices Soar Again!† â€Å"Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!† â€Å"Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable† These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single sourceRead MoreHow Student Loans Have Affected The Cost Of Tuition964 Words   |  4 Pagesfirst-year college student could attend a public four-year university for $2,500 and a private university for a little over $5,000. Although, most of these universities are offering the same mediocre education from the last three decades; the cost of tuition has more than tripled for public universities and for private universities, it has gone up a staggering 85%. Canada holds an average educational cos t of 5,974 and England follows with an estimated average cost of 5,288. In spite the tuition in the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay About Vacation - 842 Words

Max Mudger Mrs. Oncu DE 11 30 October 2017 Narrative Essay The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm trees danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration built as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, I†¦show more content†¦Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal had washed up on the shore and could not get back into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline. Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was lying face up and was unresponsive to family members calling her name. It was evident that she had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start chest compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR. These long and tiring procedures made the lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. Why couldn’t you just watch her and do what you were told? I heard behind me. The father screamed, It was not my responsibility to do that, it was yours! The clear frustration began to build and caused more confusion. The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised everyone to leave the beachShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Vacation1188 Words   |  5 PagesAs our children were growing older, we realized this year was probably our last vacation with all of our kids. As such my husband, Mike and I decided to take our kids and our dog by canoe and kayak almost 200 miles down the mighty Makenzie River. Jennifer aged 17, Shelly 13, and Ricky 9, prepared for a week without phones, stores, or television. Our plan was to canoe from Fort Simpson to Wrigley. Wrigley was the end of the road after the Macke nzie Highway. It would be an incredible family adventureRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation992 Words   |  4 PagesIt was a few days before our plane left for Cancun, Mexico. I was going on vacation for my parents tenth anniversary. I also got to go with some of my friends who were, Trent Gleeson, Luke Bader, and Josh Hagedorn. My friends and I all played football and we were going to miss a couple days of camp and weights so we planned to use the gym at the resort. We were all packed and so excited to leave in the morning. We woke up super early so we could be some of the first people in line. Once we arrivedRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1179 Words   |  5 PagesWhat comes to mind when I say the word, â€Å"vacation†? According to Merriam Webster, vacation is â€Å"a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel†. My family (my mom, little brother, my grandmother, and I) take a vacation every summer to relax and have fun in the sun. Our destination and vacation spot this particular year, 2016, was the beautiful city of Panama City Beach, Florida. Little did I know that what could have or should haveRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1042 Words   |  5 PagesThen grab our boogie boards. We are ready to have a spectacular day out on the beach by the ocean. I was on a vacation in Gulf Shores of Alabama. My family and our family’s good friends the Buxengards were all there together. There are three kids in the Buxengard family, two boys and a girl. One of the boys is my age. His name is Aaron. We spent a lot of time together throughout the vacation. Our favorite thing to do there was jumping and riding the ocean waves. Which is what we were going to do nowRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1373 Words   |  6 Pagesthis is what our vacation would be. Days of pure relaxation. Sadly that wasn’t the case for us. Tropical storm Cindy decided she was going to settle right over the Gulf of Mexico, and target mainly Destin Florida for a week. I would soon realize that vacations are not about the location, but that this is time to be carefree in the world, and just enjoy time with family. One Hundred and seventy six, fifty three, twenty eight, ten, one. I started my countdown five months before vacation. When June 18thRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacations1824 Words   |  8 PagesThe boring summers had already made their way in my boring life again this year. But this time it was the worst summer in the history of worst summers. The vacations of St. Stevens School always started early but this time it was planned one week before the time. I woke up and turned my face towards the clock. The minute hand showed me that I still had twenty five minutes to sleep but I somehow made my way out of bed and headed towards the washroom. I caught my glimpse in the mirror once I was holdingRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Summer Vacation1300 Words   |  6 PagesIt was a beautiful day to try something new at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, California. It was a long year in fourth grade, and my family and I were excited to start our summer vacation. As we pulled our tra iler on the southbound I-5 freeway towards San Diego, I could see the temperature gauge on my father’s truck slowly dropping to the mid 70’s. We were in a packed car with my father, mother, older brother,younger sister, snacks and drinks everywhere, and me, entranced by the game on my brandRead MoreSummary Of Once More To The Lake840 Words   |  4 PagesIn his essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake,† author E.B. White reflects on experiences he has had throughout his life at a family vacation spot. Although he writes the essay as an adult, he focuses on many childhood experiences with his father at the lake, comparing them to experiences he is having at same lake with his son. White begins by recalling his first time at the lake. He examines the similarities and differences between the two generations of lake experiences through rhetorical techniques inRead MoreAnalysis Of O Connor s A Good Man 869 Words   |  4 Pagesgot from his reactions to her. Even the children did not seem to respect the old lady. O’Connor’s story was very descriptive. Throughout the whole story there were little descriptions of setting that enabled the readers to have a very clear image of the scenery in the story. After some research about the author and the story itself, I came to find that most of O’Connor’s stories are about spirituality, salvation, and morality. From the information on Wikipedia, I found out that she was Catholic. ThisRead MoreLove in Anton Chekhov’s The Lady with the Dog Essay example1542 Words   |  7 Pagesand his love interest Anna, are given the emotional freedom to feel love toward one another. This freedom is the driving force in the story which represents an escape from their unhappy lives. Chekhov tells the readers about the forbidden love between two people during vacation through evaluation of the point of view, the setting, and the characters of â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog.† The definition of point of view is the vantage point from which the story is told. The narrator of â€Å"The Lady with

Thursday, December 12, 2019

John Lennon Biography Essay Example For Students

John Lennon: Biography Essay I, John Winston Lennon, was born in Liverpool, England in 1940. I wasthe founding member of a group called the Beatles, which was the most popularmusic group in the history of rock and roll (World Book 197). The groupincluded George Harrison, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and myself. Weoriginally formed in 1958, but it wasnt until 1960 that we decided to nameourselves the Beatles (World Book 191). My philosophy of the Beatles was, whenyou said it, it was crawly things; when you read it, it was beat music (The NewBook of Knowledge 108). I, along with Paul, wrote most of the Beatles music.Songs that werewritten primarily by myself include Help, All You Need is Love, and A Dayin the Life.(World Book 197). In 1970 we decided to break up for a number ofartistic, business, and personal reasons (World Book 190). I, like the other former Beatles members, continued to perform as a soloartist. Yoko Ono, whom I married in 1969, became my partner (World Book 197). Yoko and I, being extremely opposed to the war, performed together making peaceour theme (Rolling Stone 229). As our taste for war bittered, Yoko and I becameinvolved in many anti-war protests. We recorded Give Peace a Chance in ourhotel room in Montreal, and I had it rush released (Rolling Stone 229). InJanuary of 1970 I wrote and recorded Instant Karma in one day and had itreleased (Rolling Stone 229). Three months later, Yoko and I flew to LosAngeles for four months of primal scream therapy with Dr. Arthur Janov (RollingStone 229). Because of this experience the album John Lennon/Plastic Ono Bandwas made (Rolling Stone 229). In 1971 I moved to the United States to continue my campaign for peace(World Book 197). That year, the US Government made continual attempts todeport me (Rolling Stone 229). A protest concert that we planned to hold on thedoorstep of the Republican National Convention made the Nixon administration abit upset (Rolling Stone 229). Claiming that my 1968 drug arrest made me anundesirable alien, they also made attempts to deport me (Rolling Stone 229). In 1976 I was granted permanent resident status that ended this problem (RollingStone 229). In 1980 Yoko and I released Double Fantasy, which was my first album infive years (World Book 197). On the eighth of December that year, I was shot todeath outside my New York City apartment by a man named Mark David Chapman(World Book 197). That, to some extent, is my lifes story. I hope people will lookdeeper into my music and find its meaning instead of just reciting the words. Music was my way of communicating with the world. I also hope that I have madepeople realize the value of peace in the world. If only everyone couldunderstand how great world peace would be. Category: Music and Movies

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Netflix Marketing Promotion free essay sample

Netflix developed and maintains an extensive personalized video-recommendation system based on ratings and reviews by its customers. On October 1, 2006, Netflix offered a  $1,000,000 prize  to the first developer of a video-recommendation  algorithm  that could beat its existing algorithm,  Cinematch, at predicting customer ratings by more than 10%. Netflix has played a prominent role in independent film distribution. Through a division called  Red Envelope Entertainment but it closed in 2008, in part to avoid competition with its studio partners. Netflix initiated an  initial public offering  (IPO) on May 29, 2002, selling 5,500,000 shares of  common stock  at the price of US $15. 00 per share. On June 14, 2002, the company sold an additional 825,000 shares of common stock at the same price. After incurring substantial losses during its first few years, Netflix posted its first profit during fiscal year 2003, earning US $6. 5  million profit on revenues of US $272  million. The company is well known for its worker-oriented culture, including unlimited vacation time for salaried workers and allowing those employees to take any amount of their paychecks in  stock options. We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Marketing Promotion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Netflix has been one of the most successful  dot-com ventures. A  The New York Times  article from September 2002, said that, at the time, Netflix mailed about 190,000 discs per day to its 670,000 monthly subscribers. [22]  The companys published subscriber count increased from one million in the fourth quarter of 2002 to around 5. 6  million at the end of the third quarter of 2006, to 14  million in March 2010. Netflixs growth has been fueled by the fast spread of  DVD players  in households; as of 2004, nearly two-thirds of U. S. homes had a DVD player. Netflix capitalized on the success of the DVD and its rapid expansion into U. S. homes, integrating the potential of the Internet and e-commerce to provide services and catalogs that brick and mortar retailers could not compete with. Netflix also operates an online affiliate program which has helped it to build online sales for DVD rentals. On September 18, 2011, Netflix announced its intentions to rebrand and structure its DVD home media rental service as an independent  subsidiary  company called  Qwikster, totally separating DVD rentals and streaming. [23][24][25]  Andy Rendich, a 12-year veteran of Netflix, would have been the CEO of Qwikster. The new service would carry  video games  whereas Netflix did not. [26]  Then, in October 2011, Netflix announced that it would retain its DVD service under the name Netflix and would not, in fact, create Qwikster for that purpose. [27]On October 24, 2011, Netflix announced it lost 800,000 US subscribers in the third quarter of 2011 and more subscriber losses were expected in the fourth quarter of 2011. Despite the losses, earnings for Netflix jumped 63 percent for the third quarter of 2011. [28][29]On January 26, 2012, Netflix said it added 610,000 subscribers in the US by the end of the fourth quarter of 2011. The company announced it had 24. 4 million US subscribers for this time period. [30]Netflix first moved internationally by launching their streaming-only service in Canada on September 22, 2010. Then, in spring 2011, Netflix announced they would further expand internationally by launching services Latin America, by the end of 2011, and in the European market, starting in Spain by 2012. Subsequently, Netflix completed the launch of streaming-content services in Latin America in September 2011 by launching in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. In October 2011, it was announced that Netflix would be launching in the UK and Ireland in early 2012. Netflix was officially launched as a streaming-only service in the United Kingdom and Ireland on January 9, 2012, priced at ? 5. 99 a month in the UK and â‚ ¬6. 99 a month in Ireland. Norwegian media reported in June 2012 that the countrys two biggest broadcasters,  NRK  and  TV 2  confirmed ongoing talks with Netflix. This was interpreted as the company positioning itself for a launch in Norway. The company itself would not confirm this, only that they were planning to launch in another market in the fourth quarter.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Append Formatted Lines Using SelText and SelStart

Append Formatted Lines Using SelText and SelStart The TRichEdit Delphi control is a wrapper for a Windows rich text edit control. You can use a Rich Edit control to display and edit RTF files. While you can create nice user interface around the Rich Edit control with toolbar buttons to set and change text display attributes, adding formatted lines to Rich Edit programmatically is fairly cumbersome - as you will see. How to Add Formatted Lines to Rich Edit To create bold text from a selection of text displayed in the Rich Edit control, at runtime, you need to make a section of text and then set the selections properties to SelAttributes. However, what if youre not dealing with a selection of text and instead want to add (append) formatted text to a Rich Edit control? You might think Lines property can be used to add bold or colored text to Rich Edit. However, Lines is a simple TStrings and will accept only plain, unformatted text. Dont give up - of course, theres a solution. Look at this example for some help: //richEdit1 of type TRichEdit with richEdit1 do begin //move caret to end SelStart : GetTextLen; //add one unformatted line SelText : This is the first line #13#10; //add some normal font text SelText : Formatted lines in RichEdit #13#10; //bigger text SelAttributes.Size : 13; //add bold red SelAttributes.Style : [fsBold]; SelAttributes.Color : clRed; SelText : About; //only bold SelAttributes.Color : clWindowText; SelText : Delphi ; //add italic blue SelAttributes.Style : [fsItalic]; SelAttributes.Color : clBlue; SelText : Programming; //new line SelText : #13#10; //add normal again SelAttributes.Size : 8; SelAttributes.Color : clGreen; SelText : think of AddFormattedLine custom procedure...; end; To start, move the caret to the end of the text in the Rich Edit. Then, apply formatting before you actually append the new text.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Concept Of Marriage Under Muslim Law Religion Essay Essays

Concept Of Marriage Under Muslim Law Religion Essay Essays Concept Of Marriage Under Muslim Law Religion Essay Essay Concept Of Marriage Under Muslim Law Religion Essay Essay The research worker has adopted a doctrinal signifier of research to make his undertaking. The undertaking entails the research worker to analyse the construct of matrimony under Muslim jurisprudence. Assorted beginnings both primary and secondary beginnings have been consulted for the same. No portion of this undertaking is plagiarized and the undertaking is the original work of the research worker. Introduction To what extent is sharia a fixed set of norms that apply to all Muslims? Many assume that Islamic law regulations can merely be found either by reading the Quran, or by listening to the sentiment of any Muslim priest. They besides assume that all Muslims are bound by the same regulations, and that Islamic law regulations can thusbe enforced across national boundary lines to all Muslims every bit, in the MiddleEast, Africa, Asia, and Europe. But is this correct? And if non, what so is the right apprehension of Islamic laws? When people refer to the Islamic law, they are, in fact, mentioning to their Islamic laws in the name of the ageless will of the Almighty God. The assortment of significances of Islamic law has given rise to a flexible, multi-interpretable discourse about Islamic law and jurisprudence which moves swimmingly from one significance of Islamic law to another. Marriage or Nikah in Islamic jurisprudence is a contract pure and simple necessitating no authorship and no frightened rites. All that is necessary is offer and credence made in the presence and hearing of two male or female informants and entering the factum of matrimony in the Nikah Register maintained in every mosque signed by the parties and attested by informants. It is collectible to the married woman on the disintegration of matrimony or decease or divorce. In India, there is no demand to register the Muslim matrimony, as there is no jurisprudence necessitating enrollment. I am thankful to Dr.Vijender Kumar to give me this valuable chance to make a undertaking on The Concept of Marriage under Muslim Law . We have seen, it is the household jurisprudence that has ever represented the really bosom of the Sharia, for it is this portion of the jurisprudence that is regarded by the Muslims as come ining into the really warp and weft of their faith. By and large talking, in the jurisprudence of the household entirely that the Sharia is still applied to some four hundred million Muslims, for it is virtually merely in the Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, Northern Nigeria that the Sharia is applied today, as such, outside the domain of household dealingss and personal position. It is exactly in respects to the jurisprudence of matrimony and divorce that the conflict is joined today between the forces of conservativism and and advancement in the Muslim universe, and the vicissitudes of that conflict provide, as we have seen, a gage of societal advancement, a mirror of the progress of modernism in Islam, and an illustration of how a nominally changeless jurisprudence can be changed in pattern. Let us get down so with a drumhead statement of Islamic jurisprudence in these affairs. A Muslim adult female is bound to monogamy, while a Muslim adult male may hold every bit many as four married womans at one time, but no more. In add-on, the Ithna Ashari subdivision of the Shia, entirely, allows him to hold any figure impermanent matrimonies, or matrimony of enjoyment, while all schools allow a adult male to indulge rights of concubinage with his ain female slaves. Any sexual intercourse outside these bounds[ 1 ]constitute zina, or illicit sex dealingss, for which the penalty is decease by lapidating in the instance of an wrongdoer who has of all time consummated a lawful matrimony, and one hundred ciliums in the instance of others. But these punishments can rarely be decently imposed because of the extremely demanding criterion of cogent evidence required, and the rule that such penalties are averted by any circumstance of doubt-besides the fact that Islamic condemnable jurisp rudence has today merely a really limited application. In add-on a Muslim hubby may disown his married woman or married womans at any clip and at his one-sided discretion. So much for a really general sum-up. It is indispensable, nevertheless, foremost to see this against its historical background and so lucubrate it in greater item. Marriages in Islam Islam, unlike other faiths is a strong advocator of matrimony. There is no topographic point for celibacy like, for illustration the Roman Catholic priests and nuns. The prophesier ( pbuh ) has said there is no celibacy in Islam. Marriage is a spiritual responsibility and is accordingly a moral precaution every bit good as a societal necessity. Islam does non equal celibacy with high taqwa / Iman . The prophesier has besides said, Marriage is my tradition who so of all time keeps off there from is non from amongst me . Marriage acts as an mercantile establishment for sexual demands and modulate it so one does non go a slave to his/ her desires. It is a societal necessity because through matrimony, households are established and the household is the cardinal unit of our society. Furthermore, matrimony is the lone legitimate or halal manner to indulge in familiarity between a adult male and a adult female. Islam takes a center of the route place to sexual dealingss, it neither condemns it like certain faiths, nor does it let it freely. Islam urges us to command and modulate our desires, whatever they may be so that we remain dignified and non go like animate beings. Historical Background In pre-Islamic Arabia, it seems, there were several types of matrimony, runing likely from the patrilineal and including the alleged matrimony of impermanent enjoyment. The most respectable signifier, nevertheless, was a patrilinear matrimony in which the groom paid a dowry for, or to, his bride. This has developed no uncertainty, out of the widespread usage of paying bride-wealth to the folk or the household of the bride for the loss of her generative capacity and as a stabilisation both of the brotherhood and of the relation between two households ; but it would look that even before the the coming of Islam the dowry had come to be regarded in Arabia as decently belonging to the bride herself. In any instance this is a feature of the Islamic jurisprudence of matrimony, nevertheless much it is still disregarded in pattern in some quarters. Muslim legal experts frequently in fact employ the simile of sale, and see the dowry as consideration for matrimonial rights-a consideration that constitutes an indispensable component in every Muslim matrimony. Nor is this dowry repayable on divorce, in Islamic jurisprudence, one time the matrimony has been consummated, even where the married woman is chiefly at mistake, except by her ain voluntary understanding. Hanafis, on the other manus, see that an grownup adult female may contract herself in matrimony provided she chooses a hubby who is her equal in regard of household, trade, faith, and so forth ; that merely bush leagues may be given in matrimony without their consent ; and that even bush leagues have an option of disowning such a matrimony when they reach bulk I all instances in which the defender who acted for them was other than male parent or gramps.[ 2 ]The other Sunni schools exclude matrimony by irresistible impulse by any except the male parent or male parent s male parent ( or, in the instance of the Malikis, the male parent or male parent or his executor ) ; but they extend such irresistible impulse, in regard of virgins girls, far beyond bulk. In add-on, a adult male is prohibited from being married, at one and the same clip, to two adult females who would be debarred, were one of them a male, from get marrieding each other ;[ 3 ] An Overview of Concept of Marriage in Muslim Law Islam, unlike other faiths is a strong advocator of matrimony. There is no topographic point of celibacy in Islam like the Roman Catholic priests A ; nuns. The Prophet has said There is no Celibacy in Islam . Marriage acts as an mercantile establishment for sexual demands A ; regulates it so one does nt go break ones back to his/her desires. It is a societal demand because through matrimony, households are established and the households are the cardinal entity of our society. Furthermore matrimony is the lone legitimate or halal manner to indulge in familiarity between a adult male and adult female. Islamic matrimony although licenses polygamy but it wholly prohibits polyandry. Polygamy though permitted was guarded by several conditions by Prophet but these conditions are non obeyed by the Muslims in toto. Marriage: -Pre Islamic Position Before the birth of Islam there were several traditions in Arab. These traditions were holding several unethical procedures like: ( I ) Buying of miss from parents by paying a amount of money. ( two ) Temporary matrimonies. ( three ) Marriage with two existent sisters at the same time. ( four ) Freeness of giving up and once more accepting adult females. These unethical traditions of the society needed to be abolished ; Islam did it and brought a drastic alteration in the construct of matrimony. Marriage Defined It is quiet relevant to cognize whether the Muslim matrimony is a sacrament like the Hindu matrimony, for this Lashkar-e-Taiba us acquire acquainted with some of the definitions of Muslim matrimony. ( a ) A Hedaya[ 4 ]: Marriage is a legal procedure by which the several procedure and reproduction and legitimation of kids between adult male and adult females is absolutely lawful and valid. ( B ) A Bailies Digest[ 5 ]: A Nikah in Arabic means Union of the series and carries a civil contract for the intents of legalising sexual intercourse and legitimate reproduction of kids. ( degree Celsius ) A Ameer AliA[ 6 ]: Marriage is an organisation for the protection of the society. This is made to protect the society from foulness and unchestity. ( vitamin D ) A Abdur Rahim[ 7 ]: The Mahomedan priests regard the establishment of matrimony as par taking both the nature of Ibadat or devotional humanistic disciplines and Muamlat or traffics among work forces. ( vitamin E ) A Mahmood J.[ 8 ]: Marriage harmonizing to the Mahomedan jurisprudence is non a sacrament but a civil contract. ( degree Fahrenheit ) Under Section 2 of Muslim Women ( Protection of Rights on Divorce ) Act, 1986 Marriage or Nikah among Muslims is a Solemn Pact or Mithaq-e-ghalid between a adult male A ; a adult female beging each others life company, which in jurisprudence takes the signifier of a contract or aqd. It s a affair of question still bing whether Muslim matrimony is merely a civil contract or an Ibadat A ; Muamlat. While unleashing the assorted definitions it s rather a large job to state which 1 is the most appropriate, in my sentiment although the necessities of a contract is fulfilled yet matrimony can neer be said to be a contract because matrimony ever creates a bondage between the emotions and thought of two individual. .J Sarsah Sulaiman[ 9 ]has said In Islam, matrimony is non merely a civil contract but besides a sacrament. Muslim matrimony can besides be differentiated from a civil contract on the footing of following points: ( a ) It can non be done on the footing of future occurrences unlike the contingent contracts. ( B ) Unlike the civil contract it can non be done for a fixed period of clip. ( Muta Marriage being an exclusion. ) Purpose of Marriage The word Zawj is used in the Quran to intend a brace or a mate. The general intent of matrimony is that the sexes can supply company to one another, procreate legitimate kids A ; unrecorded in peace A ; repose to the commandments of Allah. Marriage serves as a mean to emotional amp ; sexual satisfaction and as a mean of tenseness decrease. Marriage compulsory or non? Harmonizing to Imams Abu Hanifa, Ahmad ibn Hanbal A ; Malik ibn Anas, matrimony in Islam is recommendatory, nevertheless in certain persons it becomes Wajib or obligatory. Imam Shafi considers it to Nafl or Mubah ( preferred ) . The general sentiment is that if a individual, male or female frights that if he/she does non get married they will perpetrate fornication, so matrimony becomes Wajib . However, one should non get married if he does non possess the agencies to keep a married woman and future household or if he has no sex thrust or if dislikes kids, or if he feels matrimony will earnestly impact his spiritual duties. Prophet said: When a adult male marries he has fulfilled half of his faith, so allow him fear Allah sing the staying half. This really diction of Prophet marks the importance of matrimony, therefore it could be good concluded that matrimony in Islam is must. Capacity for Marriage The general necessities for matrimony under Islam are as follows: ( I ) Every Mahomedan of sound head and holding attained pubescence can get married. Where there is no cogent evidence or grounds of pubescence the age of pubescence is 15 old ages. ( two ) A minor and insane ( moonstruck ) who have non attained pubescence can be validly contracted in matrimony by their several defenders. ( three ) Consent of party is must. A matrimony of a Mahomedan who is of sound head and has attained pubescence, is null, if there is no consent. Requirements of Muslim Nikah The celebration of a Muslim matrimony requires attachment to certain signifiers and expressions. They are called the necessities of a valid matrimony. If any of these demands is non fulfilled the matrimony becomes either nothingness or irregular, as the instance may be. The necessities are as follows: Proposal and Acceptance Competent Parties No legal Disability Absolute Prohibition There is absolute prohibition of matrimony in instance or relationship of blood kinship which means the relationship of the individual through his/her male parent or female parent on the ascending side, or through his or her ain on the descending side. Marriage among the individuals related by affinity, Internet Explorer, through the married woman is non permitted. Marriage with surrogate female parent and other related through such surrogate female parent is besides null. Relative Prohibitions: Improper concurrence Marrying a 5th married woman Marrying a adult female undergoing iddat Marrying non-Muslim Absence of proper informants Woman undertaking a 2nd matrimony during the subsistence of the first matrimony. The undermentioned matrimonies are besides prohibited: Marrying pregnant adult females Marrying ain divorced married woman Marrying during pilgrims journey Necessities of Marriage The necessities of a valid matrimony are as follows: ( I ) There should be a proposal made by or on behalf of one of the parties to the matrimony, and an credence of the proposal by or on behalf of the other party. ( two ) The proposal and credence must both be expressed at one time meeting. ( three ) The parties must be competent. ( four ) There must be two male or one male A ; two female informants, who must be sane and big Mahomedan nowadays A ; hearing during the matrimony proposal and credence. ( Not needed in Shia Law ) ( V ) Neither composing nor any spiritual ceremonial is needed. Necessities Explored ( I ) A Muslim matrimony requires proposal Ijab from one party and credence Qubul from the other side. This must be done in one posing. ( two ) The credence must be matching to what is being offered. ( three ) The matrimony must be efficaciously immediate. If the Wali says I will get married her to you after two months , there is no matrimony. ( four ) The two parties must be lawfully competent ; i.e. they must be sane and grownup. ( V ) The adult females must non be from the out category. ( six ) The consent given must be free consent, . It must non be an result of irresistible impulse, duess, coercion or undue influence. Kinds of Marriage Under Muslim by and large two types of matrimony is recognizedA ( I ) Regular Marriage ( necessities discussed earlier ) ( two ) Muta matrimony Muta Marriage: Muta matrimony is a impermanent matrimony. Muta matrimony is recognized in Shia merely. Sunni jurisprudence does nt acknowledge it. ( Baillie, 18 ) . A Shia of the male sex may contract a Muta matrimony with a adult female professing the Mahomedan, Christian or Jewish faith, or even with a adult female who is a fire believer but non with any adult female following any other faith. But a Shia adult female can non contract a Muta matrimony with a non Muslim. The necessities of Muta matrimony are: ( 1 ) The period of cohabitation should be fixed. ( 2 ) Dower should be fixed. ( 3 ) If dowry specified, term non specified, it could amount to permanent or regular matrimony. ( 4 ) If term fixed dower non specified, it amounts to invalidate matrimony. Aspects of Marriage ( I ) Valid or Sahih ( two ) Irregular or Fasid ( three ) Void or Batil ( I ) Valid or Sahih Marriage: -A Under the Muslim jurisprudence, a valid matrimony is that which has been constituted in conformity with the indispensable conditioned prescribed earlier. It confers upon the married woman ; the right of dowry, care and abode, imposes on her duty to be faithful and obedient to her hubby, admit sexual intercourse with him A ; observe Iddat. ( two ) Irregular or Fasid Marriage: A Those matrimonies which are result of failures on portion of parties in non fulfilment of requirements but so besides are matrimonies ; to be terminated by one of he party is termed to be Irregular matrimonies. They are outcome of- ( a ) A matrimony without informant ( Not under Shia Law ) ( B ) Marriage with 5th married woman. ( degree Celsius ) Marriage with a adult females undergoing Iddat. ( vitamin D ) Marriage with a fire-worshipper. ( vitamin E ) Marriage result of saloon of improper concurrence. An irregular matrimony has no legal consequence before consummation but when consummated give rise to several rights A ; duties. ( three ) Void or Batil Marriage: A matrimony which is improper from it s get downing. It does non make any civil rights or duties between the parties. The progeny of a null matrimony is illicit. They are outcome of- ( a ) Marriage through forced consent. ( B ) Plurality of hubby. ( degree Celsius ) Marriage prohibited on the land of blood kinship. ( vitamin D ) Marriage prohibited on the land of affinity. ( vitamin E ) Marriage prohibited on the land of fostering. Consequence of Marriage ( Sahih ) The lawful duties which arise after matrimony are as follows- ( I ) Mutual intercourse legalized and the kids so born are legitimate. ( two ) The married woman gets power to acquire Mahr ( three ) The married woman entitles to acquire care. ( four ) The hubby gets right to steer and forbid the married woman s motion ( for valid grounds merely ) ( V ) Right of sequence develops. ( six ) Prohibition of matrimony due to affinity. ( seven ) Women edge to finish Iddat period A ; non to get married during Iddat period ; after divorce or decease of hubby. The ob ligations and rights set between the two parties during and after the matrimony are to be enforced till legality. On the footing of a matrimony hubby and married woman do non acquire the right on one another s belongings. THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY: 1. Battle or Mangni: Does non measure up the hereafter spouses to travel out together, even if the parents consent. Man and adult female become allowable for each other merely after the public presentation of Nikah. 2. Dowry: The unislamic system of demanding and accepting dowery must be avoided at all costs. Shariah does non do any expense officeholder on the bride/bride s parents. Even the matrimony disbursals, it is recommended to be borne by the bridegroom. However, the bride can convey whatever she wants of her free will, and it will ever belong to her. 3. Other Unislamic Customss: Many other unislamic imposts have crept into the matrimony ceremonial of some Muslims. These imposts are either borrowed from non-Muslim civilizations or go on because they are established in past coevalss. One must avoid them if they are against the Shariah, even if some people are displeased. Other imposts like the breakage of coconut etc. besides do non have among the Islamic rites. All actions, imposts etc. , which show discourtesy to Islam or weaken the importance of Islam, have to be avoided. 4. Haraam Acts: Some of the rites in matrimony ceremonials are perfectly Haraam like the playing of music. It is besides Haraam for ladies to travel for assorted assemblages without proper Hijab. Such things invite godly wrath and take away the approvals of this auspicious juncture. In the Islamic Law, matrimony is an Aqd, a contract. The constituents of this contract are as follows: A. Proposal: In Islam the procedure of proposal by a adult male to a adult female for her manus in matrimony, or for that affair, to her household, is encouraged. Islam considers this natural, and recommends it as an act of reputability and self-respect for adult females. B. Mahr: And the intending hubby is asked to offer a Mahr to the bride. Holy Quran says, And give adult females their Mahr as a free gift, but if they of themselves be pleased to give up to you a part of it, so eat it with enjoyment and with wholesome consequence. ( Surah Nisa 4:4 ) The undermentioned points are worthy of consideration: a ) Mahr must be agreed upon by the get marrieding spouses themselves, non by parents. B ) Mahr is her right, to which her hubby remains indebted. degree Celsius ) It is a free gift and non her monetary value. The Mahr may be hard currency, sort or non-material ( like preparation or learning something ) . It can be paid up front or can be in signifier of promise to pay upon demands decided prior to the celebration of matrimony. Moajjal ( immediate ) , Muwajjal and Indat-talab ( on demand ) . However, it is much recommended to pay it before or at the clip of Nikah itself. C. The Nikah Ceremony: Harmonizing to Shariah, the wife-to-be says, An Kahtu nafsaka alal mahril maloom . ( I have given away myself in Nikah to you, on the agreed Mahr. ) .Immediately, the adult male ( bridegroom ) says, Qabiltun Nikaha . ( I have accepted the Nikah. ) .With these dictums, they become hubby and married woman. If the marrying spouses are non able to declaim the expression in Arabic, one or two individuals or priests are appointed and authorized to officiate. One who represents the bride would foremost seek her expressed consent to officiate on her behalf, and so would the other who acts on behalf of the groom. Naturally, there would be a little fluctuation in the dictums, because the individuals declaiming them are appointees. A individual who represents the bride would originate by stating, Ankahtu muwakkilati muwakkilaka alal mahril maloom. ( I give off in Nikah the adult female who has therefore appointed and authorized me, to the adult male who has authorized you, on an in agreement Mahr. ) The groom s representative would react, Qabiltunnikaaha limuwakkili alal mahril maloom. ( I accept the Nikah on behalf of the 1 who has appointed me, on the agreed Mahr. ) It is mustahab to declaim a brief discourse or Khutba before the Nikah expression is enunciated. In this Khutba, Allah is praised for His Wisdom in modulating the lawful procedure of reproduction, and so the traditions from Holy Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) are besides recited. D. Time of Marriage Ceremony: Though fundamentally matrimony is allowed at all times, there are some yearss on which matrimony is non recommended ; some of these are based on ahadith and some on cultural, historical reasons.Generally, we can categorise these yearss into three: ( a ) There are some ahadith which say that it is makruh ( non recommended ) to hold a matrimony ceremonial on the yearss when the Moon is in the configuration of Scorpio ( this is known as al-qamar fil aqrab or qamar dar aqrab ) , during the last two or three yearss of the lunar months, and on Wednesdays. ( B ) There are certain yearss of the Islamic calendar, which have become associated with the early events of the Islamic history ; for illustration, the 10th of Muharram is the twenty-four hours of mourning for the slaughter at Karbala or the twenty-four hours of Holy Prophet Muhammad s ( s.a.w. ) decease in Safar, etc. Since such yearss are commemorated by the Muslims as yearss of bereavement, it is sociall y and, to some extent, sacredly non recommended to hold a matrimony ceremonial on such yearss. Shia Ithna Ashari ( Twelver Shias ) , particularly in India and Pakistan, seldom perform matrimony ceremonial between the 1st of Muharram and the 8th of Rabi al-Awwal as this period includes the bereavement yearss of Muharram culminating in the martyrdom of Imam Askari ( a.s. ) . The 9th Rabi al-Awwal is celebrated as Eid-e-Zahra..If there is a demand, nevertheless, Nikah, can be performed at any clip. E. Permission of the Bride-to-be/Father: The miss s consent is necessary and has to be taken by her representative, straight. In instance of a virgin/spinster the male parent s or the gramps s permission is besides necessary. However if the permission is unreasonably withheld under some conditions or the miss has no father/paternal gramps it is non necessary. However, a adult female who is non a virgin, does non necessitate any permission in instance of remarriage. Decision Marriage is a spiritual responsibility of every Muslim and it is considered to be a moral precaution and a societal demand. The Prophet has besides said Marriage is my tradition whosoever keeps off there from is non from amongst me. Holy Quran says: And marry those among you who are individual and those who are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves ; if they are destitute, Allah will do them free from want out of His grace ; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing. ( Surah Nur 24:32 ) .The above ayat begins with the words Wa Ankehoo ( And get married ) The imperative signifier of the word nikah implies that either it is obligatory or extremely recommended. Harmonizing to bookmans, though matrimony is a extremely recommended act, it becomes obligatory when there is a opportunity of falling into sin.Holy Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) says, No house has been built in Islam more beloved in the sight of Allah than through matrimony. On another juncture Holy Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) said: The best people of my state ( Ummat ) are those who get married and have chosen their married womans, and the worst people of my state are those who have kept off from matrimony and are go throughing their lives as unmarried mans. Imam Ali ( a.s. ) exhorts, Marry, because matrimony is the tradition of Holy Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) . Holy Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) besides said, Whosoever likes to follow my tradition, so he should cognize that matrimony is from my tradition. Unlike Hindu where the matrimony is a sacrament, matrimonies in Muslims have a nature of civil contract. Marriage is necessary for the legitimization of a kid. When the matrimony is done in conformity to the prescribed norms it creates assorted rights and duties on both the parties.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 143

Case Study Example Consequently, this may result to psychological harm to the client depending on how the situation will ensue. In that case, whether the client consents to any kind of physical contact with the social worker, it is best to think through the idea. Although, it is the duty of a social worker to be hospitable, there are limits that should be adhered to. Therefore, Dr. Kim’s situation can be summarized as a painstaking moment. This is because he was keen to safeguard his professionalism but at the same time please his client. Thus, it is fair to conclude that Dr. Kim had the client’s best interest at heart, then again, he did not want to jeopardize his professionalism, and thus, he was quick to seek guidance from another therapist who had more experience in the field. If Dr. Kim had gone along with the act in secrecy, then at that moment he would be more liable to accusations of breach of ethical standards. Nevertheless, he chose to make things right before they get out of hand. NASW (2008). Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chinese stock bouble 2007 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Chinese stock bouble 2007 - Research Paper Example This led to the skyrocketing of trading volume, as retail investors sought to reap the benefits of the record-making rise. According to a 2008 report by Yao and Luo, the SSE had hit 6124.04 by October 2007 (10).   That this was a stock bubble, was not lost on analysts - vice chairman of the National People’s Congress in China, Cheng Siwei, was among one of the many analysts to point out that, following a year of volatility, the Chinese stock market was overheating (qtd. in Tucker & Dyer). Even though the government took steps to tackle the dramatic situation, it could not succeed in heading the bubble off. By the end of 2007, the stock bubble had ‘burst’ - the SSE Composite Index began to see a fall right after October 2007 and, by the middle of 2008, had plunged to a shocking 2651.6 1 - less than half of what the index had been at its peak (Yao and Luo 7). This paper looks at this stock market crash - also known as the Chinese Stock Bubble 2007 - in detail, out lining what it was, the reasons because of which it occurred, and its effects on economic conditions within and outside of China. In addition to this, this paper also uses its review of the Chinese Stock Bubble to provide recommendations for avoiding such market crashes, in the future. THE CHINESE STOCK BUBBLE It has been seen that the Chinese stock market was, preceding the crash, characterized by volatility. This is demonstrated in How We Explain the Chinese Stock Market Bubble?, a report that graphs the rise and fall of the SSE Composite Index, from 2005 to 2008 as follows (1). As apparent from the graph, the Chinese stock market saw a boom at the beginning of 2007. This picked up momentum, until the market crashed at the end of the year. According to Yao and Luo (2), prices of stocks shot up after the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China became listed on several Chinese stock exchanges. The authors point out that, by the time the market had begun to heat, the combined market value of the 1500 odd companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeded a massive 32 trillion RMB (2). Following the American economic recession of 2007 and a realization in investors that large Chinese companies had been moving to milk cash from â€Å"ignorant, prudent savers,† the bubble began to fizzle off - and fast (Yao and Luo 2). Within months, the market value of listed companies had begun to plummet; by June 2008, the combined market value of listed companies had fallen to less than half of what it had been during the bubble (Yao and Luo 2). Individually, the Shanghai Composite Index fell down by over 60%, while the Shehzen Composite Index saw a 60% plunge (Xinhui). Reasons for the Chinese Stock Market Crash American Sub-Prime Lending. While the official explanation for the Chinese stock market crash centred on the influence of American sub-prime lending on the Chinese economy, analysts have argued that this is a superficial justification that do es not delve into the actual reasons underlying the crash (Xinhui). Xinhui points out one valid argument for such criticism - the sub-prime loan crisis resulted in an 11% drop in the S&P Index, whereas the Chinese stock market crash was much more massive. Critically analyzing this chain of thought gives one food for thought - it is hard to believe

Monday, November 18, 2019

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Literature review

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps to manage currency risk - Literature review Example The topic mainly emphasizes on the hedging techniques that is required for managing the risk. While conducting international trade operations it has been observed that foreign exchange plays an important and significant role. The techniques of hedging generally facilitates the firms that are active in the international market to reduce or minimize the exposure towards the variation in the foreign exchange rate which could adversely and severely affect the value of the asset and profit margin of the business. With the presence and the existence of the derivative market it facilitates and assists the business in management of risk, arbitration and speculation in the derivative as well as the spot market. The topic also emphasizes or deals with the various financial instruments such as the foreign currency debt and the derivative related to foreign exchange which helps in neutralizing the risk and the topic also highlights the various benefits and limitations of the management strategie s of the various exchange rate risks. The author Cowan in his study has emphasized on hedging the financial risk that is mainly faced by the large or the multinational companies is by hedging its risk by the financial product forward. The multinational companies generally prefer hedging through the foreign currency loans and the operational hedging. The forward contract is mainly arranged and dealt by explaining and customizing the agreement or the deal that is carried out between the parties for fixing and determining the exchange rate for carrying out the transaction in future. The arrangement is conducted in such a way that it will eliminate the risk related to foreign exchange. There are also disadvantages related to hedging with forward contract which is related or associated with fixing the amount at a future rate. Entering into the forward agreement or contract can be explained as the method of transferring or passing of the risk

Friday, November 15, 2019

Literature Review on Risk Management

Literature Review on Risk Management Software Project Management (CI6113) Title: Reviewing the Past Research Papers on Risk Management Abstract Risk Management is nowadays the important research topic in the many critical business areas and industrial areas. Project teams do not achieve their projects goals of reducing cost and gaining much profit without assessing risks and managing risks. This term paper analyzes research papers done by many researches in the field of the Risk Management within 2000 and 2007 and describes the results of the analysis of those research papers. Our goal of this paper is to inference and to justify the trend of the Risk management in research areas and business areas. There are many topics in the Risk Management such as Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Control and others. This paper’s analysis path is starting from the project risk identification and end with the risk control topic. This paper provides the results what the gaps between researches are. Furthermore, this paper learns briefly what the problems and trends before year 2000 are. Introduction This paper examines the results of the past research papers published from 2000 through 2007. We focus on Risk Management and their related topics. In addition, we also examine the trends of the Risk Management within this period. We analyze which topic had been researched most in a particular year and which methods were used in that year. This paper learns publications issued by year by year and group them in each year. In addition, we analyze the topics which are relating to the specified topic. We found trends of the research in a year while we were learning them. According to the past results came from publications, we can make sense of mind for future of the Risk Management. This paper examines the situation which can become in future according to the study. Background Many project managers and strategic management are concerning about risks in long term strategic basic. So, we need to learn the risks. Risk is the uncertainty in the life cycle of the project. In 2003, Webster’s New Explorer College Dictionary defines the risk as â€Å"the possibility of danger and sufferance of harm or injury†. Risk cannot be seen without any emphasize upon it. In addition, risks can also give hopes to the successful project. So, if risks which cannot be seen before could be found and assessed then the proposed project will be successful. But risks found and assessed can never be avoided. It can be reduced by using the some techniques or adjustments. Some risks can be ignored without any executing. Risk may terrify to some persons related to the project because if it could not be uncovered, the team may incompetent in managing the project. According to the problems, risk management was critical issue of the project management. Researchers were doing researches to reduce and manage the risks which can be encountered in a project. People in the business areas were also finding the ways how to ignore the encountered risks. Some are finding how to control the risks. In addition, they were finding what risks can violate the project management unless they did not control the risks encountered. A risk which encounters in a year is not the same as the problem in another year. Because of the nature of project which depends on the World’s business. As changing the nature of the business, the nature of the risks is becoming change. Furthermore, research area is also changing according to the nature of the risk. So, the research trend for a year may not same as the trend of another year. To learn the research trend turmoil, we need to learn publications issued from 2000 through 2007. The next section will explain the importance of our paper. Situation of the paper There are many researches for the project management. Past research (Timothy Warrren, 2002) had done a research for the whole project management. It covered research published in English from 1960 through 1999. This paper covered within the period of 2000 and 2007 learned the topics of the risk management. We separated the research areas according to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). These are Risk Identification and Assessment, Risk Qualification, Risk Response Development and Risk Control. Objectives of the paper The objective of this paper is to learn the trend of the Risk Management in past research publication. We restricted the period to be learned for each topic. This paper is intended to learn that how the risks emerged during the project time, is handled using which tools and methods. This paper intended to find the gaps between researches in each year and whole period of year 2000 and 2007. The paper learned only risk management out of topics of project management for the period. So, the other topics can be learned like our paper. These are Communication, Cost, Procurement, Human Resource, Outsourcing, Integration, Quality, Scope and Time Management. Literature review In this era, many companies conduct a great portion of their jobs in project form. Traditionally projects were mainly found in the construction industry and sections of the military, but the competitiveness of the markets of today with fast-changing technology encourages almost all companies to adopt project management (Burke 2003). Project management is the application of knowledge, skill, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirement. Project management is accomplished through the use of the processes such as: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing (PMBOK guide 2000). Because of global economical pressures, turbulence in the corporate environment and market forces leading to the increasing demands and tougher competition projects have to be implemented at lesser time, cost and with better functionalities. This causes growing demands on the management’s ability to forecast and react to unforeseeable events- risks. Risk is an abstract concept whose measurement is very difficult (Raftery, 1994). The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary – 5th Edition defines risk as â€Å"The possibility or chance of meeting danger, suffering loss or injury†. The British Standard BS 4778 defines risk as â€Å"A combination of the probability, or frequency, of occurrence of a defined hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence†. Risk may be expressed in a mathematical form as follows: Risk = (Probability of the occurrence of a defined event) x (Consequences of the occurrence of that event) Therefore, risk management is nowadays a critical factor to successful project management. Overview of Risk Management Project risk management is the art and science of identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of meeting project objectives. (Schwalbe, 2006) Risk management has been practiced informally by everyone, with or without conscious of it, since the dawn of time. Modern risk management, which had become a widely accepted management function during the period from 1955-1964 (Snider, 1991) has its roots in insurance to which it has been closely aligned for more than three centuries (Ibid). The story of risk management has not all been positive and supports the argument that it is currently ineffective at managing surprise. In the 1960’s project management was under heavy criticism for project failures due to technical uncertainty, contact strategy, community opposition and project environmental impacts (Morris, 1997). A project manager may still today argue that the last two are external project factors and outside the immediate project environment under their control (Ibid) and it may be often assumed that these will be passed up the line to higher management levels (Chapman Ward, 1997). The main objectives of risk management include (Yee et al., 2001): To enable decision-making to be more systematic and less subjective. To provide an improved understanding of the risks facing a project by identifying risks and response scenarios. To assist in deciding which risks require urgent attention and which can be addressed later. To force management to realize that there are many possible outcomes for a project, and appropriate measures should be planned for any adverse consequences. Flanagan and Norman (1993) proposed a risk management framework as shown in Fig.3.1 which depicts the elements of the risk management system – risk identification, risk classification, risk analysis, risk attitude and risk response. Risk Identification Risk Classification Risk Analysis Risk Response Risk Attitude Figure 2.1 Risk management Framework (Source: Flanagan Norman, 1993) According to (PMBOK, PMI 2000) and (Schwalbe 2006), Project Risk Management has following processes Risk Management Planning Risk Identification Qualitative Risk Analysis Quantitative Risk Analysis Risk Response Planning Risk Monitoring and Control The following Fig.3.2 depicts how risk management processes involved in each of the project management process Initiation Planning Executing Controlling Closing Risk Identification Risk Identification Risk Response Control Risk Quantification Risk Response Development Fig 2.2 Risk Management Processes in each Project Management Process (Source: Dan Brandon, 2006) Risk management will not eradicate all the risks. It will enable decision to be made explicitly which will reduce the potential effect of certain risks. It will also assist in rational, defensible decisions regarding the allocation of risk among the parties to the project. Risk analysis is not a substitute for professional judgments and experience. On the other hand, it helps professionals to make use of the full extent of their experience and knowledge by liberating them from the necessity of making simplifying assumptions in order to produce deterministic plans and forecasts. Risk analysis is supplement to, not a substitute for professional judgments. Recent Approaches to Risk Management Project risk management is a topic of major current interest. It is being actively addressed by many government agencies and most of the professional project management associations around the world, and many relevant standards are extant or being developed. Some examples from the many approaches in use include: (Cooper D., Grey S., Raymond G., Walker P., 2005) Project Management Institute (PMI), USA (2003), Project Management Body of Knowledge, Chapter 11 on risk management; Association for Project Management, UK (1997), PRAM Guide; AS/NZS 4360 (2004), Risk Management, Standards Association of Australia; IEC 62198 (2001), Project Risk Management—Application Guidelines; Office of Government Commerce (OGC), UK (2002), Management of Risk; and Treasury Board of Canada (2001), Integrated Risk Management Framework We fill the research gap in risk management field from year 2000 to 2007. Methodology We conduct a quantitative bibliographic study on pass papers published from year 2000 to 2007. We collected papers and journals from electronic databases– ACM, IEEE and ProQuest. Our objective of this paper is to find the current research trend on Risk Management by analyzing and categorizing those research papers. Project Risk Management Research It is the process of finding what current researchers are emphasizing in. It includes defining the current works on project management, particularly on Risk Management articles and papers. Then make generalized conclusion based on collected and analyzed works. This conclusion or judgment is made based on project risk management processes– risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, risk monitoring and control (PMBOK 2000, Schwalbe 2006). Sources of data We collected articles and papers published in years 2000 to 2007 from these databases which are known to be rich information about project management. ACM Digital Library ACM digital library includes magazines, journals, transactions, publications by affiliated Organizations, SIG news letters, Conference Proceeding Series. ACM digital library provides service for individual, universities, libraries and corporations. We find that risk management is one of the research fields in many businesses and industries. ACM includes diversity of business and industrial processes which enables us to inference the future trend in different fields. IEEE Explore To support our conclusion and get strong analytical results, we also collect articles and papers from IEEE explore which has more technical articles and papers than ACM digital library. It includes 1,682,970 online documents to be referenced. ProQuest Another supporting database which we extracted articles and papers is ProQuest. That includes ABI/INFORM databases, dissertation and theses, etc. Data analysis from that database will be icy on our research cake Data selection from the databases We conduct full text search in above databases using author, title, keywords based on year. Then tasks are separated among us based on years and combined later. Papers and articles are found based on the following criteria: Keywords: Risk Management, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Transfer, Risk Control, Risk Response Years: 2000 to 2007 Output format and research data representation Output format will be as the following: Researchers Title Database Risk Category Year Business Category Sub Category Method The papers and articles are attached in the appendix B. We classified each paper into specific risk management processes (PMBOK 2000, Schwalbe 2006). We also analyzed which business category that each paper falls into and which specific method do they use in conducting the specified risk management Process. To get the consistent taxonomy in risk management, we identified the papers and articles into the categories guided by (PMBOK 2000, Schwalbe 2006). They are: Risk Management Planning: This is how businesses and industries plan and handle for risk. Risk Identification: This is how businesses and industries emphasize on identification of risk throughout their organizational processes. Risk Analysis: This involves how organizations conduct quantitative and qualitative risk analysis based on sampling and probability/impact matrixes. Risk Response Planning: This shows how organizations develop risk response strategies like how to avoid, how to have tolerance, how to mitigate risk, how to transfer risk etc. Risk Monitoring and Control: This involves how organizations monitor the identified risks, new risks through out the execution of the projects. Business and industrial categories are identified as follow: Construction Education Finance Healthcare Insurance Information Technology Disaster E-commerce E-banking Internet Business Information Security Software development Maritime Marketing Organizational Process Pure General Research Terrorism We also found that information technology risk management plays a great role in modern businesses and industries because of wider usage of internet and web technologies. Our analyzed data will be represented in pie chart, bar chart and line chart by comparing different categories, different risk manage processes, different years etc. Data Collection and Analysis Data Collection We used digital databases web site – ACM, IEEE and ProQuest for scholar paper and articles and the existing search engines – google and yahoo. But we are not unable to get some papers from the search engines. So, we used these to get only information which papers are located in which databases. Using information returned from the search engines, we search the desired papers in the databases. The following chart, Fig 1 shows the state of the materials found in the three sources – ACM, IEEE and ProQuest. Figure 1 Distribution of papers There are 113 papers found in those databases. We summarized the papers found in the three sources. We categorized by the papers by using PMBOK guide. We provided the Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Control, Risk Response and Risk Identification. The following diagrams show the results. We learned that ACM database has more papers related to the risk management as in Fig 2. Other two databases have papers. But some papers are general for risk management. So, we discarded the papers and then we collected the more specified papers which are related to the above titles. We prepared the results with some charts as shown in below figures. Figure 2 Research papers found in ACM database by category Figure 3 Research papers found in IEEE database by category Figure 4 Research papers found in ProQuest database by category The above figures, Fig 2, Fig 3, Fig 4 show that the papers found in the ACM, IEEE, ProQuest database are shown by categories. Risk analysis is mostly conducted by majority of researchers. It was conducted mostly in year 2005 and 2006. Risk assessment and risk response research areas are fewer than other risk management process areas. Research for risk response is very rare, not fairly distributed and found in certain year. Data Analysis The trends of the risk analysis for the year 2000-2007 are shown in graph, Fig 5. We learned that IT project management was highest in recent 7 years. Figure 5 Trends in different business and industries within year 2000-2007 Information Technology We learned that there are varieties of IT projects. We categorized it as follow. Software Development E-Banking Disaster Information Security E-Commerce Internet Business When we categorized these topics, we found that some fields are ambiguous to group them. Some fields are software performance testing and fields emerged after the development phase. We grouped these fields were in the Software Development part. We grouped Networking security and other Internet security fields into the Information Security part. We formed a group for the Internet Banking as a E-Banking. In the Disaster group, we put the some disasters in the Disaster parts. These disasters sometime can be seen when processing some tasks in IT such as software error, hardware crash, and wrong information usages. We collected the potential security risks and group them into the Information Security group. Internet Business can be confused with E-Commerce and E-Banking. We intended the Internet Business to group the fields of the some businesses which are using Internet and make transactions via internet such as Online Registration. We found that Software Development risk analysis is most famous. In 2006, Software Development trend is the more than year 2005 and 2007. But year 2007 is not ended. So we can’t make any decision for that year. Figure 6 Risk management processes in different information technology fields Internet Business is the second thing to be learned. But Information security is down in 2006. Internet Business is coming up. Construction Construction group has the fields of which are architectural fields and construction works. We learned that in 2000 and 2001, there are some interests upon that field. In 2001, the construction field can be seen as a hottest field. Education We grouped the some fields in to Education group that fields are Education fields, learning methods in Education. The research related with the Education can be seen in the year 2004 only. Finance Finance group is wide. We formed the Finance group for some fields that are Cost Estimation, Accounting, Management Accounting and Banking. The finance is most famous in 2004. In the subsequence year, trend for the finance is running down to bottom. Healthcare We collected the data for the healthcare. But it is difficult to collect for the healthcare. We learned that in 2005, healthcare was appropriate level. But later, we cannot see it until 2007. Marketing In 2002 and 2005, marketing was in regular level. In 2003 and 2006, it was high up to 2. So, we learned that marketing was the regular level. Organization In the organization group, we combine the Oil Field, NASA, and some other organization-oriented fields. There are some researches for the organization in every year. There are some researches in the organization group within 2002 and 2006. Terrorism Terrorism was the new emerging fields after 9/11 problem. But later, we were not available for that field later years. This group is an exception for the risk management. But it is one thing to be considered later. Maritime Maritime was the individual fields. We did not combine any fields to that group. This category can be seen in only 2001. Insurance Insurance is the same as the Maritime. We learned that that group is only one field. We learned that the field was in the 2004 and 2005. But Insurance can become an interesting topic in future. General In General group, we combine other fields such as some theory approves and lecture views. Before conclusion section, we intended to present the findings as summary of data collection and analysis. Risk management is the sub-set of Project management. In academic field, risk management researches are becoming increasingly. According to our analysis, risk management researches related to Information Technology are highest topic of the research filed. But one of our exceptional cases is that we need to learn many research papers from many databases. We studied only three databases and 113 research papers. If we learned more papers, we can get more perfect result. In this paper, we categorized only 11 fields. It is general for the risk management. To get the better result, we also need to categorize the exact fields out of many fields. We can also categorize the risk management fields more according to the PMBOK guide. Conclusion and recommendation Business organization and industries suffer from lost and harm because of poor handling in risk management. They have been enduring the agonizing outcomes of failure in the form of unusual delays in project completion, with cost surpassing the budgeted cost and sometimes failed to meet quality standards and functional requirements. Competition among rivals makes the companies to deliver projects in less time and cost with better functionality. Risk management is a predefined and structured approach for identifying and analyzing potential risks associated with a project so that effective risk treatment can be done at the lowest cost. It is not impossible to eliminate all risk and costly to overdo risk management, but it is also unwise to think of eliminating risk. There will be, sometimes, positive risks those will lead to profit if properly analyzed and identified. Our term paper provides an analysis on papers and articles and conduct bibliographic study by particular risk management process and business category. Risk management researches are mostly done in mission critical environments and risky projects. As internet booms, information security and e-business issues are associated with a lot of risks. We found that majority of research papers are related to information technology in last decade. Risk in credit portfolio management, supply chain, pricing and insurance fields are also researched as they are related to financial lost and harm. Though risk management can offer significant benefits to a project in order to reduce nasty surprises and identify and act upon opportunities, it is, however, not a ‘panacea’ for the problems and surprises which befall many projects and should not be seen as the ‘silver bullet of project management’ (Pavyer, 2004) as Murphy’s Law is the governing law of project management: if something can go wrong, will go wrong. As we collected from three databases, mainly from ACM, our result can be a little affected by other finding and papers. Results will be slightly different as we go though several databases. Even thought we titled to 2007, we believe that other findings and papers will come out during this year. But based on our analysis, some inferences and emerging trends can be seen. Recommendations As people and management are aware of the importance of risk management processes, it would be more affective and appropriate to put more emphasis on formal and or informal education and training to further enhance their awareness of risk management. Formal education could be graduate studies in financial project management, software project management and construction project management etc. Informal education and training could be in the form of career development programs or workshops within organization or organized by academic institutions or professional seminars. Each organization should have own risk management plan, risk response plan, and human risk factors plan. Risk management team should be formed according to project manager’s guidelines and organizational goals. Project manager must aware of current risk management trends and technological trends for long term strategic planning. Researchers on risk management should cooperate and conduct on research areas which have been done less like autonomous agent systems, spacecraft systems, information security management. Appendix A. Reference Burke, R. (2003). â€Å"Product Management.† Biddles Ltd, Guildford. Brandon, D. (2006) â€Å"Project Management for Modern Information Systems† IRM Press Cooper D., Grey S., Raymond G., Walker P., (2005) Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements. Chapman, R. J., and Ward, S. (1997). â€Å"Project Risk Management Processes, Techniques and Insights† John Wiley Sons, Chichester, UK. Flanagan, R., and Norman, G. (1993). Risk Management and Construction, Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Pavyer, E. (2004). â€Å"Evaluating Project Risk.† Strategic Risk Management, Auguest 2004, 24-25 Project management institute (2000). â€Å"A Gide to Project Management Body of Knowledge† Project management institute, 6 Raftery, J. (1994). Risk Analysis in Project Management, E FN SPON, London, UK. Snider, H. W. (1991). â€Å"Risk Management: A Retrospective View.† Risk Management April, 47-54 Schwalbe, K. (2006). â€Å"Information Technology Project Management.† Thomson Course Technology, 425 Yee, C. W., Chan, P., and Hu, G. (2001). Construction Insurance and Risk Management- A Practical Guide for Construction Professionals, The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd., Singapore. Appendix B. List of papers Researchers Title Database Risk Category Year Business Category Sub Category Steven L. Cornford, Martin S. Feather,John C. Kelly, Timothy W. Larson, Burton Sigal,James D. Kiper Design and Development Assessment ACM Risk Assessment 2000 IT Mary Sumner Enterprise Wide Information Man

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History of Science Analysis Paper -- Science Sociology

History of Science Analysis Paper Europe’s Age of Enlightenment was a time of new scientific theories, discoveries, and technologies that powerfully affected, even shaped, society. As technological advances became widespread after the Industrial Revolution, this interactive relationship between science and society accelerated. Reflecting on the social and scientific changes they were witnessing, Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) sought to grasp the nature and consequences of a central interest of the Enlightenment, Progress. In his 1857 work, Progress: Its Law And Course, Spencer sought to understand Progress by cleaving it from its accomplishments and laying bare its essentials. Central to this task was dispassion as Spencer set aside consideration of the moral and ethical consequences of Progress and sought only to observe and describe its nature and effect. Such observation, he declared, showed that the nature of biological Progress had been revealed. To him biological progress was indisputably an evolution from homogeneity to heterogeneity. This â€Å"law of organic progress† he took to be the â€Å"law of all progress†. Applying this notion to social phenomena, Spencer maintains that human history is just such a progression, an evolution from homogeneous social structures to heterogeneous ones. Accordingly, Spencer maintains that government, commerce, language, literature, arts, religion, and even the various scientific disciplines over time inevitably have grown more intricate and specialized. Writing about the distinct social classes and their structure, Spencer notes that after the Industrial Revolution, because people started to have much more specific jobs , commu... ...Bartlett, John, comp. Familiar Quotations, 10th ed, rev and enl. By Nathan Haskell Dole. Boston: Little, Brown, 1919;, 2000 (for birth and death years) Bowler, Peter J., and Iwan Rhys Morus. Making Modern Science: a historical survey. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2005. Print.\ Carlyle, Thomas. â€Å"From Signs of the Times: â€Å"The Mechanical Age†Ã¢â‚¬  Modern History Sourcebook. 1998. Web. 29 Sept 2010. Spencerr, Herbert. â€Å"Progress: Its Law and Cause.† Modern History Soucebook. 1997. Web. 28 Sept 2010. Weinstein, David, "Herbert Spencer", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta  (ed.), . (for birth and death years)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Problems and Prospects of Ship Breaking Industries of Bangladesh

Problems and Prospects of Ship Breaking Industries of Bangladesh Submitted to: Mohammad Badruzzaman Bhuiyan Adjunct Faculty Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted by: Md. Mahedi Hasan ID# 2008-3-10-035 Section-1 Date of Submission: July 15, 2012 EAST WEST UNIVERSITY   In the context of increased importance of ship breaking activities in Bangladesh, specially contribution to construction & structural development (>80%); and in national economy & employment opportunity for the poor. But indiscriminate and haphazard ship breaking activities in once biodiversity rich coastal area of Sitakunda, Chittagong is now a barren field. The area is severely degraded with loss of its physical, chemical & biological characteristics.There is very little information on the present status of biodiversity in the area and impact of ship breaking on fisheries and biodiversity. Verbal reports from fishermen indicate that there is a drastic reduction in fish catches which is likely to be due to this ship breaking activities. Ship breaking activities has not yet been recognized as ‘industry’ and still there are no separate guidelines or rules for ship breaking activities in Bangladesh. As a result, there is often accident, loss of valuable human lives & serious violation of human rights & labour rights, including very low wages.On the other hand, impact of ship breaking on the biodiversity is also matter of exploration. But to assess the impact of ship breaking on biodiversity & fishery resources, a research or study is urgently needed not only for the conservation of fishery resources but also to implement a sustainable & eco-friendly policy for ship breaking in Bangladesh. Key words SBRI = The Ship Breaking and Recycling Industry. Shipbreaking: Shipbreaking is the process of dismantling an obsolete vessel’s structure for scrapping or disposal.Conducted on a pier, dry dock or dismantling yard, it involves a wide range of activitie s. From removing all the gear and equipment that are on the ships to cutting down and recycling the ship’s infrastructure. Shipbreaking is a challenging process, due to the structural complexity of the ships and the environmental, safety and health issues involved. Recycling: The process of taking a ship apart; term preferred by the shipping industry. When procedures to safeguard the environment and workers' health and safety are applied, known as â€Å"green recycling†.Executive summary The ship breaking and recycling industry (SBRI) converts end-of-life ships into steel and other recyclable items. Ship recycling offers the most environmentally sustainable way of disposing of old vessels, with virtually every part of the hull and machine complex being reused or recycled as scrap metal. Although the industry is beneficial from a life-cycle assessment point of view, over the years it has gravitated toward countries with low labor costs, weak regulations on occupational safety, and limited environmental enforcement.The â€Å"global shift† in the industry to countries with comparatively weaker regulatory systems is of particular concern as ships contain many hazards that can have significant detrimental effects on humans and the environment if not dealt with properly. Currently, the global center of the ship breaking and recycling industry is located in South Asia, specifically Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. These three countries account for 70–80 percent of the international market for ship breaking of ocean-going vessels, with China and Turkey accounting for most of the rest.Only about 5 percent of the global volume of such vessels is scrapped outside these five countries. This study focuses on the SBRI in Bangladesh and Pakistan to get a better understanding of the economics of the industry and the environmental impacts arising out of such activity and to explore possible ways in which such environmental effects may be mitigated. 1. 0 Introduction Bangladesh has a long coastal belt of about 710 km which is enriched with natural resources specially fish and other aquatic species of different varieties and has been the focal point of different economic activities.Most of these seashore areas are situated in Chittagong. Sitakund is a seashore area situated a few kilometers north of Chittagong where most of the shipsbreaking yards are concentrated. Shipbreaking industry has not been developed in a day. It has been developed gradually in Bangladesh passing through various stages of its development at an international level. Though the shipbreaking in Bangladesh started in sixties; commercially it started in late seventies. The only shipbreaking industry of the country has been developed in Sitakund areas, Chittagong.There are about 20 forward and backward linkage industries based on this shipbreaking. Now, there are about 20 shipbreaking yards in Sitakund where thousand and hundreds of labour are working. The wor kers are all engaged in dangerous physical labor but they don’t have safety equipments like helmets, goggles, gloves, boots and work suits, medical facilities and moreover financial security. Over the last twenty years more than 400 workers have been killed and 6000 seriously injured according to the Bangladeshi media.The explosion of the Iranian tanker TT Dena on 31 may 2000 alone is said to have caused 50 deaths. To this toll must be added thousands of cases of irreversible disease which have occurred and will occur in future due to the toxic materials that are handled and inhaled without minimum precautions or protective cares. 1. 1 Objective of the Study The ship breaking industry provides great advantages. It’s probably the most environmentally sustainable way of disposing of old vessels, it creates jobs and supply a substantial quantity of scrap steel for the iron and steel industries (e. , it contributed to about 50% of Bangladesh’s steel production). How ever, the hazardous waste and associated occupational health hazards pose a significant national and global concern. The main objective of this report is presenting an overview of this industry through analyzing the prospect and the environmental problems arise form this industry.1. 2 Methodology of the Study There are two types of Assignment method available and they are conclusive and exploratory. Considering the subject topic I have chosen exploratory method. . 2. 1 Primary Sources I have not conducted any survey, rather I have given emphasize on secondary sources. 1. 2. 2 Secondary Sources: In order to complete my assignment work, I depended on the secondary data more than primary data. I got the refined secondary data from the Internet by surfing huge web pages. I downloaded many WebPages, files ; related other things which were very much helpful for me to complete this assignment. 1. 3 Limitations (a) Time limitation is one of the problems to make this assignment. b) Amount of data collection is not very huge because only websites are not sufficient to complete this assignment. (c) Data collection process was irregular. 2. 0 Body of the report 2. 1 Prospect of ship breaking industry The ship breaking and recycling industry plays a significant economic role in Bangladesh and Pakistan, supplying a substantial quantity of re-rollable scrap steel for the iron and steel industries. SBRI provides more than half of Bangladesh’s steel supply, for example, making it a strategic industry in that country.The industry also creates hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs for some of the poorest and most marginalized segments of the population in those countries. The work force in each country varies with the volume of ship breaking but may range from 8,000–22,000 workers in the ship recycling yards to 200,000 in the supply chain, shops, and re-rolling mills—with dependents in extended families estimated to reach over 500,000 in Banglade sh. Shipbreaking plays an important role in the national economy for a number of reasons: 2. 1. Production of steel The scrapping of ships provides the country’s main source of steel and in doing so saves substantial amount of money in foreign exchange by reducing the need to import steel materials. Bangladesh needs 8 million tons of building materials per year, of which iron is a major component. The iron from recycled ships supplies iron materials in the country. This does mean however, that the owners have more power and control over the amount of steel that is sold and the price it is sold at. 2. 1. 2 Green industry (if properly recycled)In some ways it can be considered a â€Å"green industry†. Almost everything on the ship and the ship itself is recycled, reused and resold. The scrapping of ships supplies raw materials to steel mills, steel plate re-manufacturing, asbestos re-manufacturing as well as providing furniture, paint, electrical equipment and lubricants , oil to the number of businesses that have spouted up specifically as a result. 2. 1. 3 Source of revenue It generates large amounts of revenue for various Government authorities through the payment of taxes.Every year the Government collects almost 9000 million taka in revenue from the shipbreaking industry through import duty, yards tax and other taxes. 2. 1. 4 Employment Opportunity Despite the conditions that the workers are employed under, this is an industry that employs more than 20,000 people directly. It provides employment for some of the poorest people from the north of Bangladesh who would otherwise have no employment. These mainly economic benefits have made shipbreaking a powerful industry. But these economic benefits should be considered together with the social and environmental costs.Together, with better regulation shipbreaking can also bring social and environmental benefits. 2. 2 Environmental Impact 2. 2. 1 Pollutants discharged from shipbreaking Though shipbre aking has earned a good reputation for being a profitable industry in developing countries there are a number of environmental and human health hazards. Depending on their size and function, scrapped ships have an unladened weight of between 5,000 and 40,000 tons (the average being 13000+), 95% of which is steel, coated with between 10 and 100 tons of paint containing lead, cadmium, organotins, arsenic, zinc and chromium.Ships also contain a wide range of other hazardous wastes, sealants containing PCBs, up to 7. 5 tones of various types of asbestos and; several thousands liters of oil (engine oil, bilge oil, hydraulic and lubricants oils and grease). Tankers additionally hold up to 1,000 cubic meters of residual oil. Most of these materials have been defined as hazardous waste under the Basel Convention. In Bangladesh, ships containing these materials are being cut up by hand, on open beaches, with no consideration given to safe and environmentally friendly waste management practic es.Ships are not properly cleaned before beaching. Generally, an eyewash test is carried out to certify that a ship is free from dangerous chemical and fumes. Ship breaking activities is a threat to both the terrestrial and marine environment as well as to public health. It is like a mini version of a city that discharges every kind of pollutants a metropolis can generate like liquid, metal, gaseous and solid pollutants. 2. 2. 1. 1 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP's)POPs are chemicals that are highly toxic, remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, bioaccumulate through the food web, accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to the human population, wildlife and the environment. There has been a realization that these pollutants, upon exposure of human population, can cause serious health effects ranging from increased incidence of cancers to disruption of hormonal system. Shipbr eaking activities are a source of lethal POPs. 2. 2. 1. 2 AsbestosAsbestos was used in old ships as a heat insulator. As there are no asbestos disposal procedures, during scrapping, workers and the surrounding environment are exposed to the asbestos fibers. Exposure to asbestos fibers (even in very low concentrations) especially through inhalation may cause cancer and asbestosis. On the shipbreaking beaches, asbestos fibers and flocks fly around in the open air. Workers take out asbestos insulation materials with their bare hands. It has also proven to be one of the most lethal, as inhaling asbestos fibers can lead to a wide range of pulmonary roblems such as asthma and asbestosis – and can also be the direct cause of mesothelioma. 2. 2. 1. 3 Heavy metals Heavy metals are found in many parts of ships such as in paints, coatings, anodes and electrical equipment. These are taken apart with no protective measures in place and reused. Exposure can result in lung cancer, cancer of the skin, intestine, kidney, liver or bladder. It can also cause damage to blood vessels. 2. 2. 1. 4 Polluted oil As a result of breaking the ships, oil residues and the other refuses are being spilled, mixed with the sea water and left floating along the entire seashore.Oil may cause serious damage in different ways, such as a reduction of light intensity beneath the water surface which inhibits photosynthesis. Oil films on water reduce the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the air-sea interface which is harmful to aquatic life. It also causes damage to the bird population by coating their feathers with oil which causes buoyancy and insulation losses. Sometimes spilling may cause wide spread mortality amongst the population of fish, mammals, worms, crabs, mollusks and other water organisms. 2. 2. 2 Impact on physiochemical properties of seawaterShip scrapping activities pollute the seawater environment in the coastal area of Fauzdarhat to Kumira of Chittagong, Banglades h. As a result, toxic concentration of ammonia, marine organisms found in seawater had an increase in PH levels. Extensive human and mechanical activities accelerate the rate and amount of seashore erosion and results in higher turbidity of seawater. Critical concentration of DO and higher BOD were found with an abundance of floatable materials (grease balls and oil films) in the seawater. 2. 2. 3 Impact on inter-tidal sediments and soilsIn shipbreaking areas various refuse and disposable materials are discharged and spilled from scrapped ships and often get mixed with the sand. The scraps from the ships are staked haphazardly on the sea shore, leaving behind an accumulation of metal fragments and rust (particularly iron) in the soil. These together with extensive human and mechanical activities often go on as matter of routine work resulting in the beach soil losing its binding properties and this accelerates the amount of shore erosion and increase the turbidity of sea water and s ediments in the area. . 2. 4 Impact on biodiversity Shipbreaking activities contaminate the coastal soil and sea water environment mainly through the discharge of ammonia, burned oil spillage, floatable grease balls, metal rust (iron) and various other disposable refuse materials together with high turbidity of sea water. The high PH of the seawater and soil observed may be due to the addition of ammonia, oils and lubricants. High turbidity of water can cause a decrease in the concentration of DO and substantially increase the BOD.Furthermore, oil spilling may cause serious damage by reduction of light intensity, inhibiting the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the air-sea water interface, and by acute toxicity. As a result the growth and abundance of marine organisms especially plankton and fishes may seriously be affected. Indiscriminate expansion of ship breaking activities poses a real threat to the coastal inter-tidal zone and its habitat. 3. 0 Recommendation Conside ring the positive role of ship breaking in national economy ship breaking can not be stopped.Rather a sustainable approach should be taken to minimize the negative consequences of ship breaking activities in our coastal zone. Government should formulate and implement a national policy and principles for safe and sustainable shipbreaking after having consultation with relevant organizations, employers and workers. Both owner and contractors have to take the responsibility in providing compensation, treatment and security for the labours. Adequate compensation for victims of accident and their families, social security†¦etc. should be ensured.Finally, it could be said that, the ship breaking operation involves serious environmental hazards. If the ship breaking industry is to develop in the country, the same may only be allowed ensuring minimization of pollution effect. A longer stretch along the seashore is in no way justified for continuation of this business; rather a certain separate zone like a dockyard should be selected by the competent authority. Preventive measures against environmental and health hazards inherent in the process of ship breaking should be undertaken at the right time, before it is too late.Bibliography Hossain, D. M. M. M. , Islam, M. M. , 2006, Ship Breaking Activities and its Impact on the Coastal Zone of Chittagong, Bangladesh: Towards Sustainable Management, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ship_breaking http://www. shipbreakingbd. info/ Mamun, A. A. , Akther, M. , Ali, M. , Sumaia, K. , Alam, A. , 2005, Worker in Ship Breaking Industries: A Base Line Survey of Chittagong(Bangladesh), Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) Maria, S. , Frank, S. L. , Milen, D. , Robin, B. , Susan, W. , Roy, W. , 2010, Ship Breaking and Recycling Industries in Bangladesh and Pakistan, Report No 58275-SAS