Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Rise Of College Tuition - 2217 Words

Proposed topic: The Rise of College Tuition, Our Freedom of Choice and Fairness. Introduction: College rising tuition is currently the hottest topics debated by political and social interest’s groups who pretty much understand that if this is not fixed soon, it will have long damaging effects on our convalescent economy. It is important to be reminded that college education play a tremendous multiplier role in our economy that holds more the 50% of college graduates. (College Has Been Oversold by Alex Tabarrok.) However due to the rising number of Americans willing to go college and the cost it represents to accommodate everyone—especially those students coming from low income families that are more dependent on student’s loans—the narratives of some lawmakers and political leaders have since quite changed. William Bennett, former secretary of education, once argued that: â€Å"Too many people are going to college.† In the search for a career, Bennett believes, a college education provides less advantage than is commonly assumed, thus luring students to take loans. He would prefer to see the United States emulate countries like Germany, where most young people are tracked into vocational training, and he wants more Americans who do go to college to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics rather than what he calls â€Å"irrelevant material.† Before attempting college at all, students should â€Å"critically evaluate the data: student-loan debt, return on investment,Show MoreRelatedThe Rise Of College Tuition1344 Words   |  6 Pagesdream to go to college with the hope to be successful; but with the fact that the skyrocketing college tuition is increasing every year might turn those dreams into nightmares. There are many research have been proven that the m ain factors which cause the high cost of postsecondary education was the lack of funding from government, increase of students as well the increase of administrators. But beside those given facts, there are seems to be more deep hidden truth that most college students and theirRead MoreThe Rise Of College Tuitions1937 Words   |  8 PagesThe sudden rise of college tuitions began right after the recession in 2008. Many people lost their jobs, and their current jobs were not paying well enough for them to survive through this devastating time. More people turned to higher education and college tuition began to rise because obtaining college majors will guarantee a higher pay other than minimum wage. This downturn didn’t end here because over the years, tuition rose even higher. In 2014, the debt for college students reached to 1.2Read MoreCollege Tuition Cost On A Rise Essay1254 Words   |  6 PagesCollege Tuition Cost on a Rise The rising cost of education in Texas colleges started in 2003 when the deregulation was lifted. Then, soon after, the Texas State legislature cut the education budget because of a drop in the economy in 2008. The cut in funding and the removal of the deregulation law allowed colleges across Texas a way to recoup lost resources by raising the cost of tuition. The raising cost of tuition has limited the amount of attending students from graduating in the expected timeRead MoreThe Rise And Fall Of College Tuition1575 Words   |  7 PagesAdrianna Hodges Professor Robert Howell English 102 21 October 2015 The Rise and Fall of College Tuition in the United States In the recent debate regarding the implementation of free college tuition across the United States, Jon Wiener, a Los Angeles journalist for The Nation, and Kelly Field, chief Washington reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education who covers different federal education policies, discuss why college tuition should be abolished in the United States of America and the role ofRead MoreRising Tuition Prices1384 Words   |  6 Pagesorder to get a good paying job, a college degree is required. More people are attending college in order to get better paying jobs, but is going to college worth a good job with rising tuitions across the nation? According to College Board, from 2002-2003 to 2012-2013, the average tuition and fees for a private institution rose about an average of 2.4% every year. As tuition prices increases every year, it affects millions of college students. It affects college students who have to use governmentRead MoreHigher Education At The United States Essay1226 Word s   |  5 Pagesintroduced in 1636 when Harvard University first opened its doors. At the time, college was seen as an exclusive institution, typically reserved for the wealthy elite. In the 1600’s, a college degree was not necessary to get a decent job and make a living; therefore, there was not a high demand for it. Since then, public opinion and attitudes about higher education have changed significantly. In today’s job market, a college degree is a requirement for a majority of positions. Employers’ demand for highlyRead MoreThe Driving Forces Behind College Tuition Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesForces Behind College Tuition Hikes Higher education in the United States was introduced in 1636 when Harvard University first opened its doors. At the time, college was seen as an exclusive institution, typically reserved for the wealthy elite. In the 1600’s, a college degree was not necessary to get a decent job and make a living; therefore, there was little demand. Since then, public opinion and attitudes about higher education have changed significantly. In today’s job market, a college degree isRead MoreIncreasing Tuition Rates Cause Students1131 Words   |  5 PagesIncreasing tuition rates cause students to borrow more money which will impact their financial future should they have difficulty obtain a job in their chosen career field. Tutition costs began their rise in 1970s but it wasn’t until the 1980s that government funding began to decline and the tuition rates began their steady climb regularly outstripping the median family income. (Ehrenberg) The average cost of tuition at a four year pubic institution increased from to $2,387 per year in 1975-1976Read MoreRising College Tuition in America661 Words   |  3 PagesRising College Tuition in America â€Å"College Prices Soar Again!† â€Å"Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!† â€Å"Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable† These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single sourceRead MoreHow Student Loans Have Affected The Cost Of Tuition964 Words   |  4 Pagesfirst-year college student could attend a public four-year university for $2,500 and a private university for a little over $5,000. Although, most of these universities are offering the same mediocre education from the last three decades; the cost of tuition has more than tripled for public universities and for private universities, it has gone up a staggering 85%. Canada holds an average educational cos t of 5,974 and England follows with an estimated average cost of 5,288. In spite the tuition in the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay About Vacation - 842 Words

Max Mudger Mrs. Oncu DE 11 30 October 2017 Narrative Essay The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm trees danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration built as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, I†¦show more content†¦Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal had washed up on the shore and could not get back into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline. Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was lying face up and was unresponsive to family members calling her name. It was evident that she had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start chest compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR. These long and tiring procedures made the lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. Why couldn’t you just watch her and do what you were told? I heard behind me. The father screamed, It was not my responsibility to do that, it was yours! The clear frustration began to build and caused more confusion. The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised everyone to leave the beachShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Vacation1188 Words   |  5 PagesAs our children were growing older, we realized this year was probably our last vacation with all of our kids. As such my husband, Mike and I decided to take our kids and our dog by canoe and kayak almost 200 miles down the mighty Makenzie River. Jennifer aged 17, Shelly 13, and Ricky 9, prepared for a week without phones, stores, or television. Our plan was to canoe from Fort Simpson to Wrigley. Wrigley was the end of the road after the Macke nzie Highway. It would be an incredible family adventureRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation992 Words   |  4 PagesIt was a few days before our plane left for Cancun, Mexico. I was going on vacation for my parents tenth anniversary. I also got to go with some of my friends who were, Trent Gleeson, Luke Bader, and Josh Hagedorn. My friends and I all played football and we were going to miss a couple days of camp and weights so we planned to use the gym at the resort. We were all packed and so excited to leave in the morning. We woke up super early so we could be some of the first people in line. Once we arrivedRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1179 Words   |  5 PagesWhat comes to mind when I say the word, â€Å"vacation†? According to Merriam Webster, vacation is â€Å"a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel†. My family (my mom, little brother, my grandmother, and I) take a vacation every summer to relax and have fun in the sun. Our destination and vacation spot this particular year, 2016, was the beautiful city of Panama City Beach, Florida. Little did I know that what could have or should haveRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1042 Words   |  5 PagesThen grab our boogie boards. We are ready to have a spectacular day out on the beach by the ocean. I was on a vacation in Gulf Shores of Alabama. My family and our family’s good friends the Buxengards were all there together. There are three kids in the Buxengard family, two boys and a girl. One of the boys is my age. His name is Aaron. We spent a lot of time together throughout the vacation. Our favorite thing to do there was jumping and riding the ocean waves. Which is what we were going to do nowRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacation1373 Words   |  6 Pagesthis is what our vacation would be. Days of pure relaxation. Sadly that wasn’t the case for us. Tropical storm Cindy decided she was going to settle right over the Gulf of Mexico, and target mainly Destin Florida for a week. I would soon realize that vacations are not about the location, but that this is time to be carefree in the world, and just enjoy time with family. One Hundred and seventy six, fifty three, twenty eight, ten, one. I started my countdown five months before vacation. When June 18thRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Vacations1824 Words   |  8 PagesThe boring summers had already made their way in my boring life again this year. But this time it was the worst summer in the history of worst summers. The vacations of St. Stevens School always started early but this time it was planned one week before the time. I woke up and turned my face towards the clock. The minute hand showed me that I still had twenty five minutes to sleep but I somehow made my way out of bed and headed towards the washroom. I caught my glimpse in the mirror once I was holdingRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Summer Vacation1300 Words   |  6 PagesIt was a beautiful day to try something new at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, California. It was a long year in fourth grade, and my family and I were excited to start our summer vacation. As we pulled our tra iler on the southbound I-5 freeway towards San Diego, I could see the temperature gauge on my father’s truck slowly dropping to the mid 70’s. We were in a packed car with my father, mother, older brother,younger sister, snacks and drinks everywhere, and me, entranced by the game on my brandRead MoreSummary Of Once More To The Lake840 Words   |  4 PagesIn his essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake,† author E.B. White reflects on experiences he has had throughout his life at a family vacation spot. Although he writes the essay as an adult, he focuses on many childhood experiences with his father at the lake, comparing them to experiences he is having at same lake with his son. White begins by recalling his first time at the lake. He examines the similarities and differences between the two generations of lake experiences through rhetorical techniques inRead MoreAnalysis Of O Connor s A Good Man 869 Words   |  4 Pagesgot from his reactions to her. Even the children did not seem to respect the old lady. O’Connor’s story was very descriptive. Throughout the whole story there were little descriptions of setting that enabled the readers to have a very clear image of the scenery in the story. After some research about the author and the story itself, I came to find that most of O’Connor’s stories are about spirituality, salvation, and morality. From the information on Wikipedia, I found out that she was Catholic. ThisRead MoreLove in Anton Chekhov’s The Lady with the Dog Essay example1542 Words   |  7 Pagesand his love interest Anna, are given the emotional freedom to feel love toward one another. This freedom is the driving force in the story which represents an escape from their unhappy lives. Chekhov tells the readers about the forbidden love between two people during vacation through evaluation of the point of view, the setting, and the characters of â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog.† The definition of point of view is the vantage point from which the story is told. The narrator of â€Å"The Lady with

Thursday, December 12, 2019

John Lennon Biography Essay Example For Students

John Lennon: Biography Essay I, John Winston Lennon, was born in Liverpool, England in 1940. I wasthe founding member of a group called the Beatles, which was the most popularmusic group in the history of rock and roll (World Book 197). The groupincluded George Harrison, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and myself. Weoriginally formed in 1958, but it wasnt until 1960 that we decided to nameourselves the Beatles (World Book 191). My philosophy of the Beatles was, whenyou said it, it was crawly things; when you read it, it was beat music (The NewBook of Knowledge 108). I, along with Paul, wrote most of the Beatles music.Songs that werewritten primarily by myself include Help, All You Need is Love, and A Dayin the Life.(World Book 197). In 1970 we decided to break up for a number ofartistic, business, and personal reasons (World Book 190). I, like the other former Beatles members, continued to perform as a soloartist. Yoko Ono, whom I married in 1969, became my partner (World Book 197). Yoko and I, being extremely opposed to the war, performed together making peaceour theme (Rolling Stone 229). As our taste for war bittered, Yoko and I becameinvolved in many anti-war protests. We recorded Give Peace a Chance in ourhotel room in Montreal, and I had it rush released (Rolling Stone 229). InJanuary of 1970 I wrote and recorded Instant Karma in one day and had itreleased (Rolling Stone 229). Three months later, Yoko and I flew to LosAngeles for four months of primal scream therapy with Dr. Arthur Janov (RollingStone 229). Because of this experience the album John Lennon/Plastic Ono Bandwas made (Rolling Stone 229). In 1971 I moved to the United States to continue my campaign for peace(World Book 197). That year, the US Government made continual attempts todeport me (Rolling Stone 229). A protest concert that we planned to hold on thedoorstep of the Republican National Convention made the Nixon administration abit upset (Rolling Stone 229). Claiming that my 1968 drug arrest made me anundesirable alien, they also made attempts to deport me (Rolling Stone 229). In 1976 I was granted permanent resident status that ended this problem (RollingStone 229). In 1980 Yoko and I released Double Fantasy, which was my first album infive years (World Book 197). On the eighth of December that year, I was shot todeath outside my New York City apartment by a man named Mark David Chapman(World Book 197). That, to some extent, is my lifes story. I hope people will lookdeeper into my music and find its meaning instead of just reciting the words. Music was my way of communicating with the world. I also hope that I have madepeople realize the value of peace in the world. If only everyone couldunderstand how great world peace would be. Category: Music and Movies

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Netflix Marketing Promotion free essay sample

Netflix developed and maintains an extensive personalized video-recommendation system based on ratings and reviews by its customers. On October 1, 2006, Netflix offered a  $1,000,000 prize  to the first developer of a video-recommendation  algorithm  that could beat its existing algorithm,  Cinematch, at predicting customer ratings by more than 10%. Netflix has played a prominent role in independent film distribution. Through a division called  Red Envelope Entertainment but it closed in 2008, in part to avoid competition with its studio partners. Netflix initiated an  initial public offering  (IPO) on May 29, 2002, selling 5,500,000 shares of  common stock  at the price of US $15. 00 per share. On June 14, 2002, the company sold an additional 825,000 shares of common stock at the same price. After incurring substantial losses during its first few years, Netflix posted its first profit during fiscal year 2003, earning US $6. 5  million profit on revenues of US $272  million. The company is well known for its worker-oriented culture, including unlimited vacation time for salaried workers and allowing those employees to take any amount of their paychecks in  stock options. We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Marketing Promotion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Netflix has been one of the most successful  dot-com ventures. A  The New York Times  article from September 2002, said that, at the time, Netflix mailed about 190,000 discs per day to its 670,000 monthly subscribers. [22]  The companys published subscriber count increased from one million in the fourth quarter of 2002 to around 5. 6  million at the end of the third quarter of 2006, to 14  million in March 2010. Netflixs growth has been fueled by the fast spread of  DVD players  in households; as of 2004, nearly two-thirds of U. S. homes had a DVD player. Netflix capitalized on the success of the DVD and its rapid expansion into U. S. homes, integrating the potential of the Internet and e-commerce to provide services and catalogs that brick and mortar retailers could not compete with. Netflix also operates an online affiliate program which has helped it to build online sales for DVD rentals. On September 18, 2011, Netflix announced its intentions to rebrand and structure its DVD home media rental service as an independent  subsidiary  company called  Qwikster, totally separating DVD rentals and streaming. [23][24][25]  Andy Rendich, a 12-year veteran of Netflix, would have been the CEO of Qwikster. The new service would carry  video games  whereas Netflix did not. [26]  Then, in October 2011, Netflix announced that it would retain its DVD service under the name Netflix and would not, in fact, create Qwikster for that purpose. [27]On October 24, 2011, Netflix announced it lost 800,000 US subscribers in the third quarter of 2011 and more subscriber losses were expected in the fourth quarter of 2011. Despite the losses, earnings for Netflix jumped 63 percent for the third quarter of 2011. [28][29]On January 26, 2012, Netflix said it added 610,000 subscribers in the US by the end of the fourth quarter of 2011. The company announced it had 24. 4 million US subscribers for this time period. [30]Netflix first moved internationally by launching their streaming-only service in Canada on September 22, 2010. Then, in spring 2011, Netflix announced they would further expand internationally by launching services Latin America, by the end of 2011, and in the European market, starting in Spain by 2012. Subsequently, Netflix completed the launch of streaming-content services in Latin America in September 2011 by launching in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. In October 2011, it was announced that Netflix would be launching in the UK and Ireland in early 2012. Netflix was officially launched as a streaming-only service in the United Kingdom and Ireland on January 9, 2012, priced at ? 5. 99 a month in the UK and â‚ ¬6. 99 a month in Ireland. Norwegian media reported in June 2012 that the countrys two biggest broadcasters,  NRK  and  TV 2  confirmed ongoing talks with Netflix. This was interpreted as the company positioning itself for a launch in Norway. The company itself would not confirm this, only that they were planning to launch in another market in the fourth quarter.