Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PERSONAL ETHICAL DILEMMA ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PERSONAL ETHICAL DILEMMA ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example So, if the item was $ 18.00, she would provide the change for a $ 20.00 bill from the cash register, and then just replace the $ 2.00 from her own money. That is, so the register would add-up properly at the end of the work day. So, she would pocket the $ 18.00 and this was unquestionably stealing. My personal values were such that I would not have done what she did. I was in the same position as her, but never took advantage of the advice that she gave me about stealing. However, there was conflict with these feelings because I never told on her or turned her in to management. We were not close friends, or did not socialize outside of the workplace, but did get to know each other pretty well. We spent enough time together on the job such that I got to know and like her. Conversely, we both worked for an organization and a manager which we had little regard for. The wages were low, the working conditions were often strained, and the manager was often verbally abusive and generally un likable. So, the conflict in question was defined by my ethical belief that stealing was wrong, and yet, I did not act as a whistle blower or act dutifully as an employee and inform the organization that they were being stolen from. Consequentialism looks at the outcomes of behaviors rather than the intentions. Socially, we very often evaluate individual actions on how their intentions were. So, for example, while lying is generally wrong, if your grandmother asks you what you think about her hideous looking dress, and you tell her she looks nice, your intentions are good even though the result is an immoral act. A consquentialist position looks at only the outcome or the consequence of the act. In terms of my own personal ethical dilemma, the consequence of my co-workers actions were unquestionably immoral. In terms of the other stakeholders, the organization was being stolen from as a consequence. And, knowing that she was doing this makes me complicit to some extent. My obligatio ns in an employee/employer relationship are directed toward the organization and not the employees. Generally, utilitarianism is associated with consequentialism. It argues that the aim of individuals is happiness, and an action or behavior therefore, either maximizes or diminishes the greater goal of happiness. Further, we should maximize the greater happiness for the greatest number of individuals [Perry, 1993, p. 531]. In this instance, while the employee was maximizing their own happiness, they were doing so at the expense of someone else – namely, the employer. However, as a dilemma, it raises the question as to whose happiness I ought to consider? While I had little regard for the organization, I should have turned in the employee on this ethical model because the consequence was that one agents happiness came at the expense of an others. In terms of the greater good for the greater number, there were only two goods to consider – the individual stealing and the o rganization that was incurring the loss. If the business had gone bankrupt because of the theft, obviously a greater number would be effected, however, it was not a substantial amount of money so that it can't be said that a greater than two stakeholders were to be considered. Under a deontological framework, one should not will an act that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Personal essay about my Grandma Essay Example for Free

Personal essay about my Grandma Essay Going to a foreign land is everyone’s dream. Most people especially the young ones would love to go to other countries to experience how life would be. This opportunity came to me when my father sent me to United States to study Physical Therapy. Many people believe that United States has a very good educational system. When I learned about this news from my father, I was mixed emotions. I did not know how I felt at that time whether I will be happy or sad. Imagine I will be studying in another continent which is far from my county, Saudi Arabia. On the lighter side, I felt a bit excited because knowing I am going to United States, it is already a big thing because it is everyone’s dream however I am extremely sad because I know I am going to be separated from my family especially from my grandmother who is very close to my heart. The thoughts of leaving my place and my family are so depressing. It makes me cry sometimes at night looking and memorizing every corner of our house where I grow up, because its corner has a lot of good memories that I will always treasure in my heart, specifically the bedroom I shared with my beloved grandmother. Many people might think that I am over-the-top when I talk about my family. But that is really me! I really value the importance of my family. Without my family, I will not be the person I am at present and in the future. It is my family who supports me all of my life. The members of my family are the people who never turn me down when I needed them most and never turn their back when I am in pain, sorrow, and happiness. They showered me with love and care that nobody can give me without any expectations of return. My mother has taught me to love and show concern to every members of my family. Although when my brothers and I were still young, it cannot be avoided that we fight because of immaturity however it did not destroy our bonds as siblings because my mother inculcated in our young minds and hearts to be a keeper of one another. I can vividly remember how my mother prepared for our breakfast so that we can eat delicious and nutritious meals before going to school. She was a hands-on mother to us. My mother and my dad never lacked in giving discipline to us. My mother kept reminding me the importance of good education. She made me realized at a young age that through education, I can be successful in my chosen career. She motivated me a lot to do well in my studies. On the other hand, since my father was at work during day time, he never failed to make up during night time or whenever he had free time. He played with us and treated us some goodies. My parents made sure that we have family day where we can bond with each other. That was why when father sent me here in the United States, I am extremely sad rather than super excited because I know I will be home sick and I don’t know if I can live by myself without them. But since my father explained to me the reason why I need to come here, I just obeyed him because I can see his face how happy he was when he learned that I got a high GPA that give me a chance to be admitted in Virginia Common Wealth University (VCU). I know that no parents would seek harmful things for their children but only the best for them. Though my heart ached and did not want to leave, I followed what he said. Another reason why I do not want to go was because I am also very attached with my grandmother. When I was in Saudi Arabia, I used to share a room with my grandmother, played games, and share secrets because I am the only girl in the family; thus, she even raised me until I was ten years old. She is a lovely grandmother. She always teaches me good things about life in an early age. She doesn’t only treat me as her grand-daughter but as well as her best friend. We talk a lot of things especially when she supervises me with my studies although my parents are supportive. She is also a good listener and an adviser that made me express myself and my real feelings towards situations that happen to me. I am also relieved just by her kiss or hug because it makes me feel secure and loved. When I was about to live, my grandmother was very ill. I know that she was dying. I knew it in my heart. However my grandmother has told me to pursue my dreams and make her proud of me. When the day came for my departure, I felt so gloomy. When I arrived here in the United States, there were no nights that I never cry. My pillows were the only witnesses how lonely I was. There was even a time that I always counting the day and looking forward a vacation to my country, Saudi Arabia, to meet my love ones again. I really had the hard time coping up with new things that I am facing in the United States. I used to wake up with my mother’s voice calling us to wake up and eat breakfast or my grandmother’s advices when I am feeling down. But now when I transferred here to study, I felt that I am alone. I really missed my family. I tried to live a normal life, pretending that things are going to be okay. I always mesmerize the memorable moments I had with my family way back in Saudi to make me keep going. The time came when my grandmother died because of her illness. I was very clueless about her death. My parents especially my father did not inform me about my grandmother’s death. Every time I made a phone call to them, I always asked my father about my grandmother’s condition. But every time I mentioned such subject, my father always told me that my grandmother was okay and shifted to another topics. He made stories just to make me believe that grandma was still alive. But when I went home, I found out that my grandmother has died four months after I arrived in Saudi Arabia. I was very shocked and hurt why my parents did not tell me about the death of my grandmother. I could not understand at first because I cannot imagine that when I go home I can no longer see and talk my best friend, my grandmother. I really had the hard time accepting the fact. But my father made me understand that they did not inform me so that I will not be disturb with my studies because they already knew my situation here in the United States how homesick I was and if they will do so, they will be just adding my sorrow. I completely understand why my parents had kept that from me because I know they did not want me to be burden anymore. It will be only adding to my depression of being far from them. Although my grandmother already passed away but her good memories are always keep in my heart. Nobody can replace her. In addition, my family continuously shows their support to me. Although I am the only girl but I thank God that my parents did not brought me up as a spoiled brat but as a disciplined person that knows the value and importance of family. This personal experience made me to be a family-oriented individual. It makes me also understands how family molds individual’s character and a child’s character is a reflection of what kind of family he/she has.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Araby By James Joyce And A Sun :: essays research papers

â€Å"Araby" by James Joyce and "A Sunrise On The Veld" by Doris Lessing are both short stories in which the protagonists gained a consciousness that was beyond themselves. The main characters are both initiated into new realities and truths of which they were not previously aware. Both short stories will be examined with reflections according to the type of initiation that was experienced, the nature of the narrators, the similar and dissimilar aspects of both characters and various components of the short stories. In the two stories, both characters were experiencing an initiation or awareness of new actualities that were outside of themselves. The main characters both painfully learned that this initiation was beyond their control. It was impossible for them to ignore the new realities which they both came to understand. The new found awareness was so powerful that it changed each boy’s entire outlook and they both began to see the world through new eyes. The type of initiation both characters had was a distressing journey from innocence to knowledge and experience. The two narrators had different attitudes and reactions to the initiation experience. In Araby, the reader learns of the boy’s initiation in the final sentence: "Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; andmy eyes burned with anguish and anger." The character had a negative reaction to his new awareness. His realization caused him to have feelings of shame, anguish and anger. He was possessed and controlled by his passion for Mangan’s older sister. His ideals of the girl were not realistic but were futile and vain. The girl drew out feelings in him and he discovered that feelings must be reciprocated and the downside that love can also be painful. Heh ad a difficult time accepting his own weakness. He was in distress because he had stopped for a moment and gazed up into the darkness and realized that his p revious feelings were wonderful but the only reality existed in his feelings. It had no existence beyond how he felt and the understanding of this was painful for the character. The protagonist of â€Å"A Sunrise On The Veld† was more accepting towards his experience of initiation than that of the character in Araby. The boy’s attitude was stoical: "...this is how life goes one, by living things dying in anguish." His feelings were of acceptance.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare the two nineteenth century horror stories Essay

Compare the two nineteenth century horror stories, ‘The Black Cat’ and ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ by Edgar Allan Poe, showing how Poe uses a range of techniques to make his stories dramatic and effective. ‘The Black Cat’ and ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ are two of the earliest horror stories ever written; they were written in the 1840’s by the American author Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts in 1809. He tragically died in 1849 following a life of alcohol and drugs. ‘The Black Cat’ tells us about a man who is in a condemned cell. He is on death row and reflecting on his life and the reason behind the situation he is in. He tells the reader about his love for animals and how he married early in life. His wife allowed him to buy a black cat who never left his master’s side. However, the narrator tells how he became an alcoholic and started to mistreat his wife and pets. On returning home one night he seized the cat and in fright the cat had bitten him. This made him angry and therefore he cut out one of the cat’s eyes. A few days later he took the cat, slipped a noose around its neck and hung it from a limb of a tree. That night the house burnt down and engraved on the wall was the figure of a cat. Later on in the story the narrator tells us of how he found a cat that closely resembled the one he had killed. The cat would never leave his side which started to make him hate the creature. He was walking down the steps of the cellar one day with his wife when the cat followed and sent him headlong down the steps. In fury he picked up an axe and aimed a blow at the cat. His wife tried to stop him so he buried the axe into her brain. He buried the body in the wall of the cellar. The police found the body as the man become cocky and tapped on the wall where he had buried his wife, there was a wailing sound and the police uncovered the body with the cat on the corpses head. ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ tells us about a man who has been accused of being mad. He looked after an old man who had a ‘vulture eye’. His eye was a pale blue and had a film over it. Whenever the eye fell upon the narrator, it made his blood run cold. Therefore he decided to kill the old man. In the week before he killed him the narrator tells us about how he crept into the old man’s bedroom every night at midnight, trying to find the right moment to kill him. On the eighth night the old man became aware that someone was in his room. The narrator says how he could hear the man’s heart beating in his chest and was frightened that the neighbours would hear it. He ran into the room; seized the man out of his bed and pulled the bed on top of him. He then took the planks from the flooring of the bedroom and placed the body there. Once he had replaced the floorboards the police arrived saying that a neighbour had heard a shriek and they wished to search the property. He led them towards the old man’s bedroom and placed some chairs out for them on the exact spot of the body. He began to make typical chat with the officers but could hear the heart of the old man beating louder and louder until it drew the narrator mad and he confessed to the murder. Both stories have typical features of a modern horror story – blood, murder, the murders conscience and supernatural aspects. However, the structure of the stories differ. ‘The Black Cat’ is a longer story and is more detailed. It includes more background description. â€Å"I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets.† This quote shows that ‘The Black Cat’ tells us about the background of the narrator since he was a young boy. ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is more concise and includes some very detailed sections but less background. â€Å"Presently, I heart a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror. It was not a groan of pain or of grief — Oh no! It was a low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul when overcharged with awe.† This quote shows that ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ has some very detailed sections as the narrator goes into depth about the noise that the old man made. The two narrators have various things in common; they both tell the story in first person and use eyes as an important feature in the story. In the opening paragraph both narrators also say that they have been accused of madness but deny the accusation. â€Å"Mad indeed would I be to expect it, In a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not.† This quote from ‘The Black Cat’ supports my point that the narrator has been accused of being mad but denies it. â€Å"But why WILL you say that I am mad?† This quote from ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ also supports my point as it is from the opening paragraph of the story and the narrator is asking why he is being accused of being mad. The significant differences between the two narrators are; ‘The Black Cat’ gives a more in-depth background about his life before the present day whereas ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ goes straight into the present. ‘The Black Cat’ is also set in different rooms of the house and other areas where as ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is set in just one room. The relationship between the readier is also different. ‘The Black Cat’ is wrote as if the narrator is writing a letter whereas ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is wrote as if the narrator is actually speaking to the reader. â€Å"For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen.† These words suggest to me that ‘The Black Cat’ tells the story as if he is writing a letter. â€Å"How then am I mad?† This rhetorical question shows that the narrator tells the story as if he is actually talking to the reader. The two narrators in the story get caught as they become too over confident about the hiding place of their victims. They both lead the police to the place that the bodies are buried. Sound is also a major part in the reason for the two narrators getting caught. Poe uses a range of visual and sound techniques to make the stories dramatic and effectible. In both stories sound plays a major part in the narrator’s getting caught. â€Å"Then quickly swelling into one long, loud and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman.† This quote from ‘The Black Cat’ suggests to me that the points I have made are correct. The sound makes the story more dramatic and suspicious. It also leads the police to the corpse. â€Å"But the beating of the heart grew louder, LOUDER! I thought the heart must burst.† This quote also suggests to me that the beating of the heart made the murderer go mad and confess. It also adds an eerie effect to the story. Poe also uses visual description in the stories. â€Å"The corpse, already greatly decayed and clotted with gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators. Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eyes of fire†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This phrase of writing from ‘The Black Cat’ goes into great visual detail about the corpse which makes it a lot easier to picture the story in your head. The amount of description sets the scene very effectively and makes the reader feel like there telling the story from their own personal experience. The use of evil words such as ‘greatly decayed’ and ‘clotted with gore’ also emphasise the fear and terror of the story. Poe uses a range of imagery in the stories; including alliteration, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeias, and rhetorical questions. These all make the stories dramatic and keep the reader interested. In ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ Edgar Allan Poe uses a lot of onomatopoeia and metaphors. â€Å"my blood ran cold† This quote proves the point that Poe uses metaphors in this story. â€Å"Like the thread of a spider† This also proves that Poe uses Similes in this story. Both of these enhance the story as they make it more dramatic and effective. In ‘The Black Cat’ Edgar Allan Poe uses a lot of alliteration, metaphors and personification. â€Å"My tenderness of heart† This quote is particularly important as later on in the story the narrators heart is the complete opposite from tender. â€Å"Grew with my growth† This quote from the story shows alliteration. By using both of these quotes the writer is making the story more effective as he is making it more interesting to read. He is also encourage interpretation from the reader and helping them to feel the emotion of the characters. Poe also uses language devices to make the stories dramatic and effective. These include rhythm, repetition, and rhetorical questions. In ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’. Edgar Allan Poe uses a large amount of rhetorical questions. â€Å"How then am I mad?† This is effective in the story as it involves the reader. It does so by encouraging the reader to reflect upon the question and therefore get involved more with the story. Poe also uses repetition. â€Å"He had found all in vain. All in vain; because Death, in approaching him†¦.† The repetitive phrase all in vain, tells us of the narrators joy at the old mans terror. He also uses a capital ‘D’ in death. This infers he is using death as a name, suggesting that the old man is death. In ‘The Black Cat’ Poe uses plenty of rhythm and repetition. â€Å"Have terrified — Have tortured — Have destroyed me.† In this quote Edgar Allan Poe has repeated the word ‘have’. He has used a rhythm by pausing at the end of each word and the dashes indicate an intensity of emotions. He has also used evil words such a ‘terrified’ and ‘tortured’ which again emphasise the fear and terror of the story. This makes the story more dramatic. In both stories Poe also uses capital letters to emphasise words this gives an immediate dramatic impact. In conclusion, Poe uses a range of techniques to make his stories dramatic and effective, many of these are still used by horror writers today. Although ‘The Black Cat’ and ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ are similar in numerous ways, Poe uses different techniques in each one to make the stories effective in their own particular way.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bp Ethical Culture to the Gulf Coast

Question 1) Introduction BP is one of world’s largest energy company, they must have enough capital, technical and experience a responsibility to keep theirrefinery safe and run smooth in their working area. But some problem appeared from BP inside to cause this crude oil spill disaster. Save cost for to overlooked safe for the system;Assigned Transocean to drill oil; and continue to drill oil when technician looked out rig’s blowout preventer was leaking are main reason in this disaster.Everyone totally not accept this overlooked in one history and technical energy company. Save Cost Nowadays save cost from an existing business is logic and comment. We understand and accept save cost to keep competition in the market but first concern is keep high quality production after save cost. If not it will cause many problems from this action. This is a simple logic for business beginner. So lots of people don’t know why a huge and history company forgot this main point. Oil drilling is one of dangerous and careful job in this world.Each step must need circumspect and 100% safe before action. So risk management most important for that, but BP cut corners like to save money. For example, no remote control to urgent shut-off switch install on the rig. This one is last insurance for the protection but they can miss it for save cost. Also, on simple procedures, they cut out some step and quality test for the pipe. Each industrialist must understand final quality check is one of main step in the production. This step if missed may cause the company loss a large amount and product confidence.Especially, public confidence is important for each product or service. They need spend too much capital and time to build up. Unfortunately, BP looks like forget this main point. They miss some step and quality test intentionally. The test is for the pipe mainly to detect the gas in the well. I know these actions can save some cost for their production. But they are loss a huge amount and crude oil, confident of public and 11 technical staff. Contractor investigation Based on there is no risk management and they contracting out oil drill to Transocean.In records that almost four incidents were owned by Transocean almost three years. They can make an investigation before contract if they have risk management. No Risk sense One technical staff whois worked on Deepwater Horizon oil rig and points out BP negligence. He report to BP that the rig’s blowout preventer leaked before explosion but BP still no action for stop production. BP’s management are not only no risk management for save cost, and then they only knowledge how to earn more money to negligence safety. Conclusion BP is a history and largest energy in the world.Money may cover their ethical knowledge. They destroyed a one heaven location for travel, fishing industry in Gulf Coast, tourism, 11 staff’s life, their thousands of gallons crude oil and main point is lost reputation and trust from public. Question 2) Introduction Lots of victims are in this unfortunate accident, environment of Gulf coast, tourism, fishing industry, 11 technical staff etc. But not included BP in this case. They are murderer totally in this oil spill disaster based on their company failed in the management of potential risk.Refer to question 1,their management should be stop production before explosion when their staff appear the rig’s blowout preventer leaked. If they can stop the production immediately, history should be no this disaster and BP continue to work smooth in the market. Management of potential risk is important for them, but they completely to ignore it. In this case, one of true victim is their staffs who are killed by this explosion. Before employ this job, all staff must understood how dangerous for their job. They put down their worry and accept this dangerous job ecause they believe a largest company had a completely system to protect their life and promise their parent safety back home every day. They are happy to get a stable meaningful job and they are working in one largest company. Also, lots of human can enjoy energy for their live, useful plastic accessories because they painstaking to delve crude oil. However their largest company betrays their truth and got their life base on oversight. Unfortunately, eleven employees can’t back home on time because they killed by this disaster. ConclusionGulf Coast oil spill disaster no more excuse to shirk responsibility from BP. If they can increase safety sense and risk management, they no need to pay 80% penalty money for Gulf Coast restoration. Based on save cost and earn more profit to miss safety and quality control system is impolitic absolutely. Finally, senators introduce legislation to dedicate at least 80% of BP penalty money for Gulf Coast restoration on 21 July 2011. (Source by http://landrieu. senate. gov/mediacenter/pressreleases/07-21-2011-1. cfm) Ques tion 3) IntroductionBP is one of world’s large energy companies even the disaster happened. A company can ups and downs over hundred years, it must go through lots of incident. Mr. William D’Arcy (a British Petroleum and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company founder) used over six years of drilling in Middle East with his experts and scientists against his finances and patience were coming down. Finally, they had approached around 1200 feet when the source of oil shot out. Go through a few years to drill oil with painful, dissatisfy and nearly give up, a BP was born against these unfavorable factors.Mr. D’Arcy became rich because his company opened a trade on the stock market and their first location to set up a refinery is in Iran. Everything look like smooth going, however BP was go bankrupt nearly on 1914. In 1914, they loss a heating and kerosene lamp markets base on their oil came from Persian was a strong smell. And Automobile was not a primary market product. How ever, the company had a lot of stock in oil. But the market demand can’t fulfill. Since the first crisis passed, they met a second crisis during a coup in Libya and led by Muammar al-Gaddafi.He nationalized BP’s share of oil operation in Libya. And this action to make other oil rich countries in Middle East, like Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Iran etc.. tonationalize. They made BP drop down from 140 million to 500,000 barrels in oil production in Middle East between 1975 and 1983. Above two crisis are very seriously, they cause BP’s lost a huge amount in their business, capital and source. But they can’t compare the explosion in Gulf Coast region on April 2010. This unfortunate event is not only loss money, capital, source and technical staff. Their reputation destroyed in a short period.The whole process is like a nightmare for their public relation. Because rebuild a over hundred years history company is very difficult and need a long time and no any mistake appear again during this period. I understand their public relation is professional and technical. They must still hard to rebuild their reputation. But some idea suggests them to do in the future. 1) Fully support victim in fishing industry Before the explosion, one of main business in Gulf Coast is fishing industry. However, their marine products already got crude oil pollution.BP had a big representation to help all fishermen rebuild fishing industry and subsidies their cost of living. 2) Invite senators, experts, scientist to visit their refinery and Gulf Coast Base on their oversight to cause explosion and oil spill. They must always invite some good reputation experts, scientist, senators and media to visit their other refinery. Media can make more people understand BP how to drill the crude oil and each step is careful to handle and guarantee to public the disaster never happen again. Experts and scientist for double insurance to their machines and procedures is regular and correct.About some senators visit Gulf Coast, they must cause public to follow with interest. And they can show to public BP how to help Gulf Coast restoration. Like President Obama visited Gulf Coast after the disaster happened forth month. (Information source by http://obamafoodorama. blogspot. com/2010/08/as-gulf-coast-visit-ends-obamas-enjoy. html) They can help to Gulf Coast better to rebuild the tourism. 3) Solve Environment Effect After explosion rocked the rig and made them fire and sank. Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilling to into the sea.The environment around Gulf of Mexico becomes environmental catastrophe. The spilled oil must make the sea on the sea. It hurts lots of marine life and fish. According patch up this disaster, BP and US government use lots of different method to control and clean up the spilled oil. However, they also used chemistry materials to control them. Some expert points out thatthetechnical limitationsand historical experienceshow that t heclean-upworkmay not be abletorestoretheoriginal environmentofthe Gulf of Mexico, butthiseventisto provideatesting groundfor exploringthefutureof oilpurificationmethod. Information source by http://www. futenworld. com/_d270860491. htm) Base on no one want to meet again offshore oil disaster, their risks associated with offshore drilling activities must handle better than before. They must set a rule and guideline to each class of management how to handle if meets the rig in something wrong. And monthly report to local government to report each step is follow the guideline and 100% safe for oil drilling.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Effect of Health and Wellbeing on Australian Youth

The Effect of Health and Wellbeing on Australian Youth Introduction Health and wellbeing among youth are important not only for individual happiness but the growth and development of the society and the nation as well (AIHW, 2011). Research and studies note that health and wellbeing of young people results in them becoming responsible citizens of society due to better educational outcomes, healthy lifestyles in adulthood and good parenting styles (Muir et al. 2009).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Effect of Health and Wellbeing on Australian Youth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Health is a very broad term which includes all aspects of an individual’s well being and not just an absence of disease. Eckersley (2008) uses health and wellbeing as exchangeable terms and defines health as the â€Å"degree to which people enjoy the living conditions (social, economic, cultural and environmental) that are conducive to total health and wellbeing (physical, mental, s ocial and spiritual)†. The health and wellbeing of the Australian youth is important to the Australian government not only because the youth of a nation are its future, but also because the Australian population is an ageing one (Ragg, 2007). In a report by the Australian state and territory ministers, Ragg (2007) found that the the percentage of newborn babies in Australia is reducing each year. With the percentage of older adults on the rise, Australia is no more a country of the young, but a land where the majority of the people belong to the middle age group. As such, it has become doubly important to ensure that the Australian youth are healthy and happy, socially, psychologically and economically. Researchers have been concerned about the health and wellbeing of young Australian and have conducted several studies to explore the dimensions of health and wellbeing among the young people of Australia (Eckersley 2008; Eckersley et al., 2006; Glover et al., 1998). In order to bring about positive health changes in the Australian youth community, it is imperative to understand the causes and effects of health and wellbeing from their perspective. This paper contributes to this goal by identifying these perspectives of health and wellbeing among young Australians. The research explores the way in which the youth of Australia defines the notion of good health and consequent wellbeing, and the effects of this wellbeing on the young people of Australian society. The paper focuses on some important factors which have a negative impact on health and wellbeing of the youth, such as mental health and social networking.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Literature Review Youth researchers describe wellbeing holistically rather than individually, in terms of their needs, requirements, lifestyle and overall quality of life (White and Wyn, 2007). Youth researchers evaluate youth wellbeing in terms of their physical and mental health, financial prosperity, social inclusion, networking and support, individuality and spirituality (White and Wyn, 2007). Researchers have pointed out the importance of social processes (for instance homelessness which fails to provide a safe home environment) as influential factors determining the wellbeing of youth (Bourke Geldens, 2007). In their study, Bourke Geldens (2007) surveyed the dimensions of wellbeing in young adults. Data from their research revealed that the youth laid emphasis on factors such as the self, personal goals, living and working environments, physical and mental health and emotions as crucial indicators of wellbeing. As indicated in the table below the participants have given high rankings to social relationships and friendships. They gave high ratings to relationships with friends, family, community members, and peers as all of these provide them with a secure sense of belon ging. The study reaffirms the importance of the social dimension in young people who lay great emphasis on social acceptance and relationships as being crucial to their sense of wellbeing (Bourke Geldens, 2007). A detailed study by Easthope White (2006) analyzed the impact of social relationships on the health and wellbeing of young people. The researchers interviewed adolescents between the ages of 11 years and 18 years, in rural and urban settings. The results of the qualitative interview of these young individuals revealed that their concepts of health relative to a good diet were clear.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Effect of Health and Wellbeing on Australian Youth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, behaviors such as sports and health activities were heavily linked with friendships and social relationships. Even bad health behaviors such as smoking and drug abuse were impacted by social relatio nships with friends. The research provides a comprehensive outlook on the perceptions of health and wellbeing from the adolescent perspective. Eckersley (2008) states that mental health disorders are the third largest most important contributors to disease. Nearly 50% of the Australian youth are affected by mental health disorders, mainly anxiety and depression (Begg et al., 2007). There has been a steady rise in the Australian populace reported with mental health issues. Mental disorders have a critical impact on the wellbeing and functioning of individuals due to their disabling effect and have become a serious cause of concern for the Australian youth (Slade et al., 2007). Nearly 45% of the entire Australian population have been diagnosed with some or other mental health problem once in a lifetime; the percentage of the youth with disorders is particularly high. Research findings of a National Australian Survey to find the state of mental health and wellbeing of Australian reside nts highlighted some astounding results related to the youth (Slade et al., 2009). The study noted that 22.8% of young men between the ages of 16 and 24 had a mental health issue. However, only 13.2% took professional help. Results from the study affirmed the high prevalence of mental health problems in Australians, with nearly half of the population meeting the criteria for some or other mental disorder. Social media plays an important aspect in the lives of the youth today. It is now clear that the young people lay great emphasis on social inclusion as an important factor in health and wellbeing (Bourke Geldens, 2007; Eckersley 2008; White and Wyn, 2007). Research and studies confirm the harmful effects of media on the youth due to health issues such as obesity, depression and aggression (Strasburger 2010). Since social relationships and friends play such an important role in the lives of young people, a study which does not take into account the impact of social networking media such as Facebook would be incomplete. In a country where the percentage of the youth is shrinking and mental health disease rates are high, it is important to consider the impact of popular social networking sites like Facebook on the Australian youth.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In an article about the role of social media on health and wellbeing, Charmaine Yabsley (n.d.) points to the negative impact of social media and networking sites such as Facebook. She states that Australia is one of the highest ranking nations with nearly 80% of the population online. She points to the negative impact of sites like Facebook which are believed to be causing new mental disorders like ‘Facebook depression’ in troubled adolescents. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2011) confirms the negative effects of social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube which could be misused for online fraud, bullying and pornography. Yabsley (n.d.) asserts that not only does social media negatively affect mental health but also causes serious physical health problems. With reduced physical activity, social media can cause diseases like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and depression due to an inactive life lacking physical activity. Discussion Ecker sley (2008) candidly declares that â€Å"fundamental social, cultural, economic and environmental changes in Australia and other Western societies are impacting adversely on young people’s health and wellbeing.† Evidence suggests that social and psychological factors play a crucial role in the health and wellbeing of young adults (Bourke Geldens, 2007; Eckersley, 2008; Slade et al., 2009). Other studies also indicate that young individuals who face problems in transitioning from adolescence to adulthood could face difficulties in later life as well. Muir et al. (2009), affirm the strong relationship between behaviors during youth and those in later life. Moreover, the Australian population is an ageing one (Ragg, 2007). With a serious decline in new births, the ration of youth to middle aged adults has drastically reduced. The image below indicates the rates of declining young people in Australia (Ragg, 2007). Considering that the youth of any country is central to i ts development and progress, the health and wellbeing of the Australian youth are of prime importance to the Australian government (AIHW, 2011). It is the government’s job to ensure that the Australian youth gets the best possible conditions for a good start in life through policy initiatives and early intervention methods which will enhance their health and wellbeing and help them become promising future citizens. Conclusion The youth of a country plays an important role in determining its future. Health and wellbeing increase the prospects of young people becoming good and responsible citizens of a country. With the ageing Australian populace, the Australian government bears a huge responsibility of developing programs and policies to ensure its health and wellbeing on all levels, physical, social and psychological. A clear understanding of the causes and effects of health and wellbeing will help in achieving the goal of creating a better society with responsible mature and happy adults. Reference List Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2011, Young Australians: their health and wellbeing 2011, Cat. No. PHE 140. AIHW, Canberra. Begg S, Vos T, Barker B, Stevenson C, Stanley L Lopez A 2007. The burden of disease and injury in Australia, 2003. AIHW, Canberra. Bourke, L Geldens, P 2007, ‘What does wellbeing mean? Perspectives of wellbeing among young people and youth workers in rural Victoria , Youth Studies Australia, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 41-49. Yabsley, C n.d., Social media and its impact on health and wellbeing. Web. Eckersley, R 2008, Never better – or getting worse? The health and wellbeing of young Australians. Australia 21 Ltd, Canberra. Eckersley, R, Wierenga, A, Wyn, J 2006, ‘Success and wellbeing: A preview of the Australia 21 report on young people’s wellbeing’, Youth Studies Australia, vol. 25, no.1, pp.10-18. Easthope, G White, R 2006, ‘Health Wellbeing: How Do Young People See These Co ncepts?’, Youth Studies Australia, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 42-49. Glover, S, Burns, J, Butler, H Patton, G 1998, ‘Social environments and the emotional wellbeing of young people’, Family Matters, vol. 49, pp. 11-16. Muir, K, Mullan, K, Powell, A, Flaxman, S, Thompson, D Griffiths, M. 2009. State of Australia’s young people: a report on the social, economic, health and family lives of young people. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and the Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Canberra. Ragg M, editor 2007, ‘Caring for our health? A report card on the Australian Government’s performance on health care’. Web. Slade, T, Johnston, A, Oakley, Browne, M A, Andrews, G, Whiteford, H 2009, ‘2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: methods and key findings’, Aust N Z J Psychiatry, vol. 43 no. 7, pp. 594-605. Strasburger, V 2010, ‘Children, adolescents, and the media: s even key issues’, Pediatric Annals vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 556–65. White, R Wyn, J. 2004, Youth and society: Exploring the social dynamics of youth experience, Oxford University Press, Melbourne

Monday, October 21, 2019

Truckers Your Job Hunt Cheat Sheet

Truckers Your Job Hunt Cheat Sheet Truckers: If you’re looking for your next great gig, why not start with the cream of the crop? did their homework, and recently compiled a list of the top 10 trucking companies in the country- a great place for you to start or continue your job hunt! American FreightwaysA logistics leader with unparalleled shipping and transportation solutions in the industry.SCHNEIDER NationalA shipping capacity titan with a proven on time service delivery record.C.H. RobinsonA true industry veteran with a great reputation and commitment to high quality standards.Con-way TransportationGreat trucking services with deep coverage throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.SAIA LTL FreightA true leader in safety and efficiency, with an impressive array of services for its customers.Fox TransportationGreat, efficient service has put them at the top of the trucking company heap.RyderKnown for superior supply chain management and commercial transportation solutions.MayflowerA consiste nt and reliable player in the freight and transportation industry.J.B Hunt Transport ServicesA top-flight company that understands the value of having qualified employees who can deliver measurable results.WERNERA customized supply chain champion, with a focus on safety and its customers.Consider this your job hunt cheat sheet- any trucker would be well served to work for any of these companies. When you’re looking for your next great trucker job, keep them in mind, do your research and see if any of them have open driver positions, and include them in your job-hunt plan. Best of luck!Top 10 Trucking Companies in The USARead More at

Sunday, October 20, 2019

LAW Surname Meaning and Origin

LAW Surname Meaning and Origin The Law surname has several possible meanings: A diminutive of the given name Laurence, from the Roman cognomen Laurentius, meaning of Laurentum, a city in ancient Italy.A surname for someone who lived near a hill,  derived from the Old English hlaw or hyll,  meaning small hill or burial mound; which became low in the south, but law in the north. Alternate Surname Spellings:  LAWE, LAWS, LAWES Surname Origin: English Where in the World Do People With the LAW  Surname Live? According to surname distribution data from Forebears, the Law surname is most prevalent in China and most dense in Hong Kong, likely a derivation of the common surname Lu,  Loh, or Luo. Within England, the Low last name is most common in Northamptonshire, where it ranks as the 72nd most common last name. It is also fairly prevalent in Essex (196th), Cambridgeshire (231st), Yorkshire (243rd) and Lancashire (249th). WorldNames PublicProfiler  indicates that within the United Kingdom, Law is most commonly found in Scotland, especially the Scottish Borders, Midlothian, South Lanarkshire, Fife and Angus. It is also fairly common throughout eastern England. Famous People Bonar Law - Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1922–23Jude Law  - British actorEvander M. Law  - Confederate  general in the American Civil WarWilliam Law  - important figure in the early history Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Genealogy Resources Law DNA ProjectThis DNA project is open to all individuals with the Law surname and variations (including  Carlaw, Castellaw, Crinklaw, De Lauriston, Drentlaw, Emlaw, Fallaw, Lauriston, Lawand, Laware, Lawes. Lawhorne, Lawhead, Lawhon, Lawill, Lawin, Lawing, Lawley, Lawlis, Lawman, Lawnicki, Lawshe, Lawter, Lawver, MacLaw, MacLaws, McLaw, McLaws, Nicklaw, Saslaw, Shullaw, Whitelaw, Wordlaw)  interested in working collaboratively to combine genealogy research with DNA testing to sort out Law  family lines. How to Research English  AncestryLearn how to research your English family tree with this guide to genealogical records in England and Wales. Includes information on both online and offline records including birth, marriage, death, census, military and estate records. Law Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Law  family crest or coat of arms for the Law surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   LAW  Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Law surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Law genealogy query. FamilySearch - LAW  GenealogyExplore over 1.4  million  historical records which mention individuals with the Law surname, as well as online Law family trees on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GeneaNet - Law  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Law  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. - LAW  Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Law. The Law  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Law  from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Abortion, Right and Wrong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Abortion, Right and Wrong - Essay Example The wealthy were able to travel abroad or pay high fees to a local doctor willing to perform the procedure, but a poor woman was required to resort to less safe options. Prohibiting abortions does not and has never stopped them from occurring; it just acts to harm women. Those opposed to Roe also argue that if the Constitution does not directly address an issue, then the Congress, not the courts should decide matters such as this which have weighty moral implications. The Roe decision essentially addressed this question by asserting the government’s concern for the life of the unborn does not outweigh the constitutional rights of the born and thus their decision to allow pregnancy terminations. The Court did draw a line distinguishing what is considered murder of a child. On this issue, those that oppose abortion rights do have legal justification for debate. Viability seems to be an appropriate benchmark because in the early weeks following conception, the fetus is not a conscious being although those of religious conviction argue that it does have a soul. Viability is somewhat scientifically determined while the presence of a soul is not. Therefore, the line can only be drawn at the viability of the unborn as any other method by which to de termine when abortions are considered murder is unclear (Dorf, 2003). Those opposed to abortion claim that the fetus, viable or not, is a living being much the same as a child or adult. Mothers who have had abortions certainly cannot believe she is killing a living child or the practice would be a rare procedure. â€Å"I don’t think, in most cases, that the woman who aborts her child, consciously believes she is killing a person. As philosopher Francis Beckwith points out, â€Å"why do women only kill their fetuses when confronted with practical difficulties, rather than their already born children, if they truly believe their fetuses are fully human?† (cited in Smith,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Death and Resurrection in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Death and Resurrection in Art - Essay Example The essay will also describe the Édouard Manet’s, The Dead Christ with Angels, and howit was installed in the Metropolitan Museum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art located in New York is agiant, three-dimension archive,and the largest art museum in the United States, whichwas founded on April 13, 1870 for the purpose to collect, preserve, exhibit, study and stimulate appreciation for, to develop and encourage the study of fine arts, and advance the knowledge of works of art that represent generally the broadest spectrum of human achievements. On the other hand,the Frick museum was founded by Henry Clay Flick which is a small museum, and often referred to as Frick collection since the activity of accumulating and the totality of the objects and assembled. The museum’s Collections of the art turn out to rely on the contributions of passionate individual collectors. Both the museums were founded for the purpose of encouraging and developing the study of fine arts and are open for the public, and situated in the United States.(Walter 3) Viewing art in Frick Museum is fascinating since it serves as a monument to an individual founder and memorizes the founder’s personal taste of art.The collection displays the beliefs, choices and values of an era.They sort to retain control over their creations. The museum allows an exceptional visual understanding of a crucial aspect of the history of art. (Walter 3)The disadvantage in viewing art from Metropolitan museum is that the art, themuseum can get overly.

The Libyan Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Libyan Civil War - Essay Example Libya became an independent state with the enactment of its constitution in 1949 and the crowning of Muhammad Idris as Libya’s first king two years later. The regime of Idris dissolved in 1969 when Col. Muammar Qaddafi suddenly appropriated power-abolishing monarchy by changing the constitution with the establishment of Libyan Arab Republic (Joy, 2011, p.1). A Muslim Nasserite, Qaddafi held strong feelings against the western countries and started various anti west policies such as expelling the western military personnel and Libya being a prime resource of oil Qaddafi cut loose dealings and imposed several restrictions with the western world regarding the dealings in oil industry (Ogunbadejo, 1983). Qaddafi participated in the civil wars in Chad and there was an attempted assassination on him by the US troops. Al Qaida also believed that Qaddafi followed anti Islamic law and tensions aroused in Libya followed by civil wars. The Libyan uprising that started in February 2011 ap pears to be the most serious challenge faced by Qaddafi in his 42-year-old rule. Thus, it is an intrastate conflict which was internationalized owing to the issues concerned and later peace making attempts (Anderson, 1984; Thackrah, 2008) Social, political, economic and socio-cultural context The main centre of conflict culminated in the city of Benghazi located in the eastern Cyrenaican region of Libya following anti-establishment movements. In the past, also there have been conflicts in eastern Libya, which was also the center of rebellions against Ottoman and Italian rule many times. From Benghazi, the revolt spread like fire while Qaddafi ordered his troops to suppress the rebellion and he announced the intention to â€Å"fight to the last drop of blood† and also further added that the rebels were â€Å"nothing more than Al Qaeda extremists, addled by hallucinogens slipped into their milk and Nescafà ©Ã¢â‚¬ e† (Joy, April, 2011 p.2). Ruler Qaddafi followed an anti American policy, but he contributed greatly for the development of the people of Libya. For instance, he built a magnificent irrigation system in this arid desert land of Libya with an estimated budget of around $40 billion dollars, which provided ample water supply in this arid land. He was also successful in alleviating poverty and helped people attain sustainable standards of living in contrast with the subhuman conditions prevailing in its sub Saharan counterparts like Nigeria, Angola, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea. However, the main agenda behind the culmination of the conflict was that the people of Libya wanted change and were rigorously desperate for achieving fundamental freedom rather than economic or social freedom. Qaddafi himself overthrew the monarchy rule of King Idris in 1969 and established democracy that he failed to apply in his 42-year rule in the country, which he executed like his private business, and this became the centre point for the civil war in Libya (The Libyan conflict in perspective, March 7, 2011). Causes of conflict: Structural causes of conflict and Qaddafis’ domination The root cause of the conflict in Libya can be attributed to the negligence of the civil rights and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stress in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stress in the Workplace - Research Paper Example They have achieved it on the cost of their personal and social life. The urge to remain employed has caused the employees to endorse the culture of work-life imbalance. The whole effort of the employees is concentrated at increasing the productivity. Since the time is limited, employees have no option but to sacrifice their private life for the work. This is the reason why employees do not find time to spend with the family. While on one hand, this is distorting the employees’ relations with their families, on the other hand, it is also affecting their performance as continued work without breaks and rest declines an individual’s mental and physical efficiency. In addition to that, the ones who have managed to remain employed have been assigned the job responsibilities of the employees that have been terminated, which has essentially increased the work load for the remaining employees manifolds. Since the effects of economic recession are not limited to the workplace, t he employees have to deal with the inflation and increased rates of things of everyday use. There is so much to purchase in a very limited salary, that an employee always runs short of money. Consequences of Stress Stress in the workplace is one of the most important causes of increase in employees’ depression and anxiety. Some employees have been stressed to the point that they have attempted suicide. â€Å"[Employees] come to work and tell a manager or colleague that they are thinking of harming themselves. They are texting, calling, instant-messaging. Or they’ll disclose they’ve made an attempt. Some have even tried to kill themselves at work† (LeBlanc cited in Mirza, 2012). Stress in the workplace has distorted the employees’ relations with the family members, particularly with the spouses. Employees are not able to meet the financial demands of the family, which not only makes them feel derogated in their own eyes, but also makes the family me mbers unhappy with them. Particularly the housewives are not aware of the magnitude of stress the husbands go through, and thus expect them to be spending to much. The increasing tension between many couples because of the workplace-caused stress has led them to the point of divorce. â€Å"The challenges [of mental illness] are enormous to society because of the high cost for both individuals and employees. People suffering from mental health disorders are also having trouble finding and holding onto jobs† (Singh cited in Skrzypinski, 2012). This also has many negative implications for the employers. Productivity of the distressed employees declines which incurs additional costs to the employers. This is termed as â€Å"presenteeism†; a phenomenon wherein employees are present at work but too preoccupied, distressed, and/or lost to display optimal productivity. Ways to Deal with Employees’ Stress Stress among employees in the workplace imparts a need for the man agers to be very prudent and responsible in their interaction and dealing with the employees. Managers can do a lot to regulate the stress in the employees as managers assume top positions in the hierarchy of the organization structure and are thus a source of hope and inspiration for the employees. There are certain measures that a manager needs to take when approaching a worried employee. Rather than asking the

Decision Making Tools Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Tools - Assignment Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that quote (year) mentioned that the advantage with working with decision-making tools is that they ensure that the approach to decision making is always systematic. It also ensures that the one taking the decision can at least be guaranteed of a certain degree of an outcome, especially when a particular tool proves to be effective for a particular kind of decision (quote). So far in this course, there have been the utilization and use of a number of decision-making tools, all of which have been applied in different scenarios to solve identified problems. In this paper, a toolbox of techniques and analysis tools is constructed. Quote (year) referred to techniques and analysis tools simply as decision tools as they help in easing the whole decision-making process. The toolbox is, therefore, a simple collection of organized tools in a way that makes it possible to use each tool in solving a peculiar problem. When making the decision, there are several tools that can be used to satisfy different goals. One important thing about each of these tools is that they tend to solve one kind of problem or situation better than others (quote). Knowing this, the decision matrix is created by considering a number of factors or scenarios that can arise in any typical decision-making process. Based on differences in the factors, there is a weighting given to each of them. Then after, each decision-making tool is scored against one of the factors. When using the decision matrix for regular personal decisions, quote (year) advised on the need to have an un-weighted matrix before a weighted one. This makes it easier to bring out the key scoring that is done for each tool and how it fits each factor. Table one below is an example of four major decision-making tools may be scored against five major factors when taking the decision.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stress in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stress in the Workplace - Research Paper Example They have achieved it on the cost of their personal and social life. The urge to remain employed has caused the employees to endorse the culture of work-life imbalance. The whole effort of the employees is concentrated at increasing the productivity. Since the time is limited, employees have no option but to sacrifice their private life for the work. This is the reason why employees do not find time to spend with the family. While on one hand, this is distorting the employees’ relations with their families, on the other hand, it is also affecting their performance as continued work without breaks and rest declines an individual’s mental and physical efficiency. In addition to that, the ones who have managed to remain employed have been assigned the job responsibilities of the employees that have been terminated, which has essentially increased the work load for the remaining employees manifolds. Since the effects of economic recession are not limited to the workplace, t he employees have to deal with the inflation and increased rates of things of everyday use. There is so much to purchase in a very limited salary, that an employee always runs short of money. Consequences of Stress Stress in the workplace is one of the most important causes of increase in employees’ depression and anxiety. Some employees have been stressed to the point that they have attempted suicide. â€Å"[Employees] come to work and tell a manager or colleague that they are thinking of harming themselves. They are texting, calling, instant-messaging. Or they’ll disclose they’ve made an attempt. Some have even tried to kill themselves at work† (LeBlanc cited in Mirza, 2012). Stress in the workplace has distorted the employees’ relations with the family members, particularly with the spouses. Employees are not able to meet the financial demands of the family, which not only makes them feel derogated in their own eyes, but also makes the family me mbers unhappy with them. Particularly the housewives are not aware of the magnitude of stress the husbands go through, and thus expect them to be spending to much. The increasing tension between many couples because of the workplace-caused stress has led them to the point of divorce. â€Å"The challenges [of mental illness] are enormous to society because of the high cost for both individuals and employees. People suffering from mental health disorders are also having trouble finding and holding onto jobs† (Singh cited in Skrzypinski, 2012). This also has many negative implications for the employers. Productivity of the distressed employees declines which incurs additional costs to the employers. This is termed as â€Å"presenteeism†; a phenomenon wherein employees are present at work but too preoccupied, distressed, and/or lost to display optimal productivity. Ways to Deal with Employees’ Stress Stress among employees in the workplace imparts a need for the man agers to be very prudent and responsible in their interaction and dealing with the employees. Managers can do a lot to regulate the stress in the employees as managers assume top positions in the hierarchy of the organization structure and are thus a source of hope and inspiration for the employees. There are certain measures that a manager needs to take when approaching a worried employee. Rather than asking the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing Communication Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Communication Approach - Essay Example There are various communication channels that any organization may use for corresponding with the consumers, investors, suppliers, social activist groups and media groups. These channels range from advertising, trade promotions, consumer promotions, event marketing and sponsorship, personal selling and publicity & public relations. The news release publication is concerned with and falls under the publicity and public relations category of marketing communication strategy. The news releases are issued by an organization whenever it has a worth mentioning news, event, or offer to announce publically that catches or is likely to grasp media’s, investors’ or consumers’ attention. These press or news releases are often open for free access to general public and at times these are characterized by restricted access to particular groups because of sensitive details and to secure confidential information disclosure. At times interested parties are encouraged to pay for these news releases to acquire access to valuable information discovery about an organization, for instance; financial news releases. Microsoft’s Marketing Communication Approach Introduction to Microsoft: Microsoft is a multinational public organization, which was founded in 1974 by Bill Gates, and is headquartered in America. The company operates in IT industry and serves consumers globally. Microsoft’s marketing offers comprise of a wide range of products which falls under the categories of operating systems, hardware devices, software applications, business solutions, developers and IT pro products, and miscellaneous products that comes from diverse orientations. The company’s moves exhibits fierce competition focused vision and strategic agenda for its business activities. It started as an operating system developer for IT industry but now the company has diversified and extended its operations across so many product categories. Recently Microsoft has launc hed mobile operating system as windows phone and has entered into PC vending market to leverage its brand reputation and give tough time to the competition. Marketing Communication Approach: Microsoft’s marketing communication approach, as reflected by the news releases and ads archives at the organization’s official website, is characterized as being overwhelmingly product oriented. The company has published around 28 news releases during the month of July this year; dated from 2nd to 30th July. These news releases primarily feature novel and latest product updates or launches across the various Microsoft product portfolios. These press releases also feature news pertaining to Microsoft’s patents and special agreements with business partners; financial reports and quarterly results of company’s progress; investment and investor news; mergers and acquisitions, acknowledgement and announcement regarding opening of new Microsoft office; Microsoft’s a ccomplishments; and also shares other news concerning internal happenings and affairs at Microsoft. The product featured news releases are preoccupied by updates pertaining to almost all of the products of Microsoft including three news releases about cloud computing technology, one related to consumer products, one about

Ancient Egypt Essay Example for Free

Ancient Egypt Essay When one thinks of â€Å"mummification,† what would immediately come into mind is Ancient Egypt. But according to archaeologists, they discovered that this process is also being practiced in other places such as China and even in the among the tribes in Alaska though they are not identical to that of the Egyptians whose method is more commonly known (Monet). Compared to the other methods which appear to be very simple in terms of process or procedures such as simply putting the corpse in cold or airtight places, the Egyptian method is considered the most elaborate which is still shrouded and mystery as to how the process is exactly conducted. The only way to get an idea on how it was done is to examine the remains for pathological purposes as well as a smattering of surviving texts that have been found (Monet; David 383-384). Egyptian mumification is a two-step process that entailed embalming which made use of chemicals to preserve the remains for a longer duration of time. The second process is wrapping the corpse with layers of linen bandages for the purpose of maintaining its shape through the passage of time (Monet; David 385). Archaeologists are amazed on how â€Å"sophisticated† Egyptians were in developing the technology to make a body â€Å"live forever† and had exceeded their expectations. If there is a reasonable conclusion to this topic, the Egyptians made a significant contribution to modern civilization with this process. While it may be impractical for people to preserve the remains of the decased in this day and age, the practice still has benefits in terms of slowing decomposition and no attempt is made to duplicate the exact methods used. Works Cited David, A. Rosalie, Mummification. Nicholson, Paul T. , and Ian Shaw, eds. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Monet, Jefferson. An Overview of Mummification in Ancient Egypt. 1996. Tour Egypt. Net. 21 Aug. 2010 http://www. touregypt. net/featurestories/mummification. htm.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Factors that cause effects on the airline industry

Factors that cause effects on the airline industry Introduction: Airlines overcome substantial strategic, financial and operational risks. In particular, the market changes in general economic conditions have influenced considerably the airline industry. Carriers have suffered losses of $50bn over the past 10 years  [1]  is the most specific evidence. Thus, this paper studies changes in four major fields confronting the airline industry including market forces, financial risks, government policies and global events as well. Simultaneously, this study illustrates different revenues to be derived from these points. Structure of this paper seeks to contribute in this way. After introduction, section 2 provides a theoretical analysis of market forces. Section 3, 4 and 5 describe the effect of financial risks, global event and government policies respectively. Finally, section 6 concludes the study. Analysis Market forces: First at all, the global airline industry faced intense impact as a result of the market forces of supply and demand. In fact, the change in demand is one of the most important factors which affected to the airline industry. The initial variable that can shift demand curve is income. In other words, if the passengers have the high income, obviously they will be able to get the tickets more in replacement of choosing car, train, etc. As a result, their demand to go by plane will definitely rise. However, over past 10 years, due to the global economic crisis, income has been decreased substantially which brings in the decline in demand of customers. This is illustrated by the Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Decline in demand Similarly, the wage of employees in the airlines industry has been varied considerably in the recent years. For instance, approximately 78% of employees at San Francisco Airport made under $10 per hour but this amount increased of 33% when there was a higher living wage ordinance  [2]  . All things said, the airline industry has been influenced frankly by incomes of their passengers and their own employees wages. In term of supply, input price is the essential variable to shift the supply curve. Indeed, fuel price is one of clear example. Because jet fuel costs comprise a significant component of airline operating cost, the airline industry also has been affected. While short term cash flows are related to changes in the fuel price which make revenue be slow initially, much of the price effects are likely to be passed on as all airlines face similar fuel costs in the long term. Indeed, there was an argument that airlines also face an underinvestment problem whenever profitable investment opportunities arise during times of high jet fuel costs.  [3]  About technology, due to the stronger development of technological system, the supply of world airline industry also rises. As a result, there are a huge number of both new and old airlines can provide the demand of customers. In term of competitors, if an airline sets up the higher price, they will obviously loss a large number of passengers at the same time which results in a lower revenue. The specific example is the differences in percentage of passenger seats sold (load factor) of 9 U.S airlines including Delta, American, United, Continental, US Airways, Southwest, Alaska, Jet Blue and Air Tran since they are competitors of each other. This following figure 2  [4]  describes this Figure 2: The rest variables also play an important role which affect to the demand curve of airline industry including tastes, expectation, technology and number of buyers or sellers but the most necessary factors are still the first two variables. Elasticity of demand is also the essential factor that influenced the airline industry. Indeed, competition consistently affects the price of airline tickets because it gives customers other options. When the demand is elastic, price and total revenue will be negative and when the demand is inelastic, price and total revenue will be positive. And this explains why the loss and earnings of world airline industry vary substantially. Hence, the table 1  [5]  below shows the annual loss and earnings of airline industry from 1990 to 2005 and figure 3 describes the annual net profit of the world airline industry  [6]  . Annual Loss and Earnings 1990 $   3.9 billion loss 1991 $   1.9 billion loss 1992 $   4.8 billion loss 1993 $   2.1 billion loss 1994 $   0.3 billion loss 1995 $   2.3 billion profit 1996 $   2.8 billion profit 1997 $   5.2 billion profit 1998 $   4.9 billion profit 1999 $   5.4 billion profit 2000 $   2.5 billion profit 2001 $   8.3 billion loss 2002 $11.0 billion loss 2003 $   2.4 billion loss 2004 $   7.6 billion loss 2005 $   5.7 billion loss Figure 3: Annual Loss and Earnings Figure 4: Financial risks: There are three factors that cause financial problem for airline industry: fuel price, interest rate, currency rate. Fuel price: In general, fuel price always plays an important role in the world economy. That is the reason why either increasing or decreasing of fuel price affect deeply on airline industry. It is easy to see that fuel and airline are complements. Airline cannot operate without the existing of fuel. Gasoline, oil, or other products from crude oil are utilized as irreplaceable fuel in airline industry. According to the theory, complements are two goods for which an increase in the price of one leads to a decrease in the demand for the other  [7]  . A change in price of fuel will shift the demand curve. In the other hand, assume that fuel is input and airline transportation is output. Rising in input price leads to a leftward shift the supply curve. The following diagram describes how fuel price causes a change in both demand and supply. Figure 5: Changes in both Demand and Supply Based on the diagram, when price of fuel increases from P1 to P2, the quantity demanded and quantity supplied decreased an amount computed by (Q1 Q2). As the result, both demand curve and supply curve shift to the left. Airline market reaches a new equilibrium E2. Applying those theories into the reality, the annual report 2009 of IATA stated that the surge in fuel prices in the first half of 2008 meant fuel represented more than 50% of many airlines operating costs  [8]  . By year-end 2009, crude oil prices had risen 85%, to $74 a barrel, as economic recovery began to raise demand and as futures markets, anticipating strengthening economic recovery, added to upward pressures  [9]  . Figure 6: Fuel price throughout the year, 2010  [10]   Higher jet fuel prices automatically eat into airlines profits; meanwhile improved economic conditions are boosting passenger numbers. For instances, in 2004, many nations including British Airways, had already added fuel surcharges to ticket prices or raised fares to counter higher fuel costs. Many of Asias major carriers, including Singapore Airlines, Australias Qantas, Malaysia Airlines and Indonesias Garuda had also introduced surcharges  [11]  . Fuel price cannot remain a stable status for a long run period then airline industry should be flexible to react quickly. Interest rate: Interest rate is other factor that effect on market economy in general and airline industry in particular. The interest rate connects the price of goods today and their price in the future. Higher interest rate increase expected cost of distress and this is particularly so for the airline industry where leverage is high and distress costs are substantial. Exchange rate: Exchange rate risk is important as airline profitability is related to currency values. Tourism demand is one of reasons that show how exchange rate cause changes of airline industry. Both inbound and outbound are influenced by exchange rate levels. When the exchange rate is high, tourist will receive benefits. The result is they are willing to travel more, thus, quantity demanded of airline tickets will be increased. In contrast, the depreciation of domestic currencies make tourists consider whether they should travel or not. Travelling in recessive period is a typically example. If the exchange rate falls down, customer might save their expenditure by not travelling or they might wait for promotion tickets. It means that foreign demand for international and domestic flights move inversely with the value of the home currency  [12]  . Global events The airline industry in the world has many changes every year. The more global event has happened, the more the affection has an effect on the airline industry. In 2001, after the terrorization 11/9 happened, the industry of airline decreased very quickly. Follow the number of airline industry, US airline posted they have net loss $7 billion. 20% staffs and employee lay off by US airline. The number of passenger reduce continuous and have criterion recovered in 2003  [13]   Figure 7: US Airline industry passenger revenues 1999 2004 Beside, the price of oil have effected on this industry. When the price of oil increase, the fees for material grow up .If the airline do not rise up the price of ticket, they will decrease their net profit. If the price of oil falls off, there are more than promotion tickets for passengers. Moreover, the disease can be affected to the industry .Example, when the SARS disease happened, many countries have not allowed passengers to come to place where SARS disease has. Government policies The government policy is another factor what can be effect on the airline industry. Because the government policy control on price, so the airline industry have 2 legal price such as price ceiling and price floor .The price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold  [14]  . For example, a airline has good quality, so they want increase fees. The price ceiling applied to fees to help people can be paid. When the airline wants to attracted passenger, they create promotions about the price their ticket. So the price floor is the price minimum at which ticket can be sold and the company airline still has net profit. P Surplus S E D 0 Q Figure 8: Taxes is a important factor of the government policy .When the taxes of the passenger increase ,the price of ticket rise up , so if the airline industry want to grow up, they need decrease another fees in ticket. When the taxes of the airline industry increase, the price of ticket will increase or the industry will cut off something to protect their profit. Conclusion: The above analysis showed that factors like market forces, financial risks, global events and government policies cause effects on airline industry. In order to overcome and continue develop own airlines, carriers should seek a suitable way. In details, by successfully managing opportunity cost, and adapting to an ever changing economic environment, airline industries can have economic success. However, the well-being of the nations economy will have a direct impact on the level of success experienced in the airline industry. During economic shortfalls in the nations economy, travellers will have fewer resources available to travel for pleasure. Contributing to the negative economic influences in the airline industry, future and existing policies targeting the airline industry will continue to hinder the industrys ability to recover losses in periods of economic hardships.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Becoming A Doctor :: essays research papers fc

Becoming A Doctor A doctor is someone who can help someone else in need. There are many types of doctors, ranging from general pediatricians to specialists. They are respected people and are looked to when something is wrong. Everyone needs a doctor at some point, so doctors are very much in demand. I am interested in this career because I like to help people. Also, it pays well so I can live off the salary. Another reason is because many of my relatives are doctors, nurses, or dentists. Even though school and training are very hard, it pays off in the end, when someone can make a difference in someone's life. I am not sure if I would like to be a pediatrician, or a specialist. Specialists probably earn more money, but do not do as much, and are required to learn more. I do not think I will want to be a surgeon, because cutting people open and taking things out does not seem very appealing. To become a doctor, one must endure a lot of training and education. In college, one must study courses to prepare for medicine, such as biology, chemistry, and some advanced mathematics. It generally takes seven to eight years to finish his education. The first four years, one would take pre-med. classes. Then it's on to medical school, where for four years one learns about the area of medicine one chooses. After medical school, about one year of internship is needed. Then he becomes a resident and practice medicine under supervision of a senior doctor. All together, it is about 11 years before one actually become an independent doctor. Doctors will always be needed. Because of this, and because of the population growth, doctors will always be in demand and the profession will continue to grow. This way, a doctor will be unemployed less, and will be more secure, financially. A doctor can earn from $60,000 to $700,000. Pediatricians and doctors at free clinics earn the least, although they are probably the most needed. There are many doctors that want to help children, so they become pediatricians, even if they earn a little less than others. Specialists earn a little more, from $90,000 to $200,000. These specialists range from neurologists, dermatologists, and urologists to cardiologists. Of course, the ones that are in need will earn more. The doctors that earn the most are surgeons. Doctors that perform tonsillectomies will earn less than plastic surgeons, and plastic surgeons will earn less than cardiovascular surgeons and neurosurgeons. Anesthesiologists, who give the patients shots during surgery, earn around $250,000 a year.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Bimala’s Journey from Confinement to Independence Essay

The Home and the world is a book that discusses issues such as the Bengal partition movement, the issue of nationalism and ideas about what a country is etc. A major theme is this book is the relationship of the home and the world which is outside. All three characters play a major role in influencing this theme in different ways. Nikhil enjoys the modern way of living while Bimala is quite the opposite, following the true Hindu tradition, never goes out of the house. â€Å"Once I had asked Bimala to come out into the world. Bimala was in my home, she was a mere doll, confined to a small space, caught up in the trivial duties.† These lines taken from the beginning of the book shows what kind of a person Bimala was and how Nikhil saw the person he was married to. Bimala is a proper house wife where she seems to be confined to the traditional female role, and has no thoughts of entering the real world, even with persuasion from her husband. â€Å"Can there be any real happiness for a woman in merely feeling that she has power over a man? To surrender one’s pride in devotion is woman’s only salvation† These lines show us how she willingly devotes herself to her husband and believing that no job is more wonderful in the world. Although she may be happy doing it, she is in face very weak and powerless where she believes that serving her home is her only job . However with the introduction of Sandip, who is a supposed politician, comes into her life as Nikhil’s friend speaks of nationalism with such fire, she begins to see things as a nemesis to her way of life. Now, Bimala quickly embraces the idea of making a difference and makes a transition from the home into the world, as suggested by the novels title and starts taking an active part in the independence movement as Sandips partner or ally. By doing this, she seemingly gains a lot of power and, in the process, gets attracted to Sandip. Although it seems as though Sandip worships her and claims that she is the â€Å"queen bee† of free India, in reality, his affection towards her is not sincere as he tricks her into stealing money from her husband for the cause of swadeshi â€Å"Bimala has no patience with patience. She loves to find in men the turbulent, the angry, and the unjust. Her respect must have its element of  fear.† This description of Bimala shows us why she was attracted to Sandip and ultimately the swadeshi movement where she took an active part. This quality was the reason she makes this transition from the home to the world because she meets Sandip who shows her the outside world from his eyes which may not be the world Nikhil was trying to get Bimala into. There are 3 distinct phases in Bimala character arc the first being her traditional immature self where she is incapable of deciding who she actually is. The second being her active involvement in the swadeshi movement which got her more involved in the world, although still being immature and acting differently towards every character in the novel, she was not a single person but a person with many different identities. The third and final phase is where she realizes what she has done for Sandip upon reflection and is now aware of all the dirty work he made her to do and Is now a changed and mature person who is the same with everybody. Bimala’s struggle is with her identity. She realizes that she is part of the world but only knows that her home is a mix of cultures. She is confused between supporting the ideal of a country or working towards ensuring that her home is free from strife and supporting her husband like a true traditional Indian woman. She is forced to try and understand how her traditional life can mix with a modern world and at the same time, not be undermined.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Struggle For Social and Economic Equality in America

Discrimination The struggle for social and economic equality of Black people in America has been long and slow. It is sometimes amazing that any progress has been made in the racial equality arena at all; every tentative step forward seems to be diluted by losses elsewhere. For every â€Å"Stacey Koons† that is convicted, there seems to be a Texaco executive waiting to send Blacks back to the past. Throughout the struggle for equal rights, there have been courageous Black leaders at the forefront of each discrete movement. From early activists such as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and W. E. B. DuBois, to 1960s civil rights leaders and radicals such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Black Panthers, the progress that has been made toward full equality has resulted from the visionary leadership of these brave individuals. This does not imply, however, that there has ever been widespread agreement within the Black community on strategy or that the actions of prominent! Black leaders have met with strong support from those who would benefit from these actions. This report will examine the influence of two â€Å"early era† Black activists: Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. Through an analysis of the ideological differences between these two men, the writer will argue that, although they disagreed over the direction of the struggle for equality, the differences between these two men actually enhanced the status of Black Americans in the struggle for racial equality. We will look specifically at the events leading to and surrounding the â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† in 1895. In order to understand the differences in the philosophies of Washington and Dubois, it is useful to know something about their backgrounds. Booker T. Washington, born a slave in 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia, could be described as a pragmatist. He was only able to attend school three months out of the year, with the remaining nine months spent working in coal mines. He developed the idea of Blacks becoming skilled tradesmen as a useful stepping-stone toward respect by the white majority and eventual full equality. Washington worked his way through Hampton Institute and helped found the Tuskeegee Institute, a trade school for blacks. His essential strategy for the advancement of American Blacks was for them to achieve enhanced status as skilled tradesmen for the present, then using this status as a platform from which to reach for full equality later. Significantly, he argued for submission to the white majority so as not to offend the power elite. Though he preached appeasement and a â€Å"hands off† attitude toward politics, Washington has been accused of wielding imperious power over â€Å"his people† and of consorting with the white elite. William Edward Burghardt DuBois, on the other hand, was more of an idealist. DuBois was born in Massachusetts in 1868, just after the end of the Civil War and the official end of slavery. A gifted scholar, formal education played a much greater role in DuBois's life than it did in Washington's. After becoming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk and Harvard, he was the first Black to earn a Ph. D. from Harvard in 1895. DuBois wrote over 20 books and more than 100 scholarly articles on the historical and sociological nature of the Black experience. He argued that an educated Black elite should lead Blacks to liberation by advancing a philosophical and intellectual offensive against racial discrimination. DuBois forwarded the argument that â€Å"The Negro problem was not and could not be kept distinct from other reform movements. . . † DuBois â€Å"favored immediate social and political integration and the higher education of a Talented Tenth of the black population. His main interest was in the education of ‘the group leader, the man who sets the ideas of the community where he lives. . . † To this end, he organized the â€Å"Niagara movement,† a meeting of 29 Black business and professional men, which led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The crux of the struggle for the ideological center of the racial equality movement is perhaps best exemplified in Mr. DuBois's influential The Souls of Black Folk. In it, he makes an impassioned argument for his vision of an educated Black elite. DuBois also describes his opposition to Booker T. Washington's â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† as follows: â€Å"Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old attitude of adjustment and submission†¦ † According to DuBois, Washington broke the mold set by his predecessors: â€Å"Here, led by Remond, Nell, Wells- Brown, and Douglass, a new period of self-assertion and self- development dawned†¦. But Booker T. Washington arose as essentially the leader not of one race but of two–a compromiser between the South, the North, and the Negro. † DuBois reported that Blacks â€Å"resented, at first bitterly, signs of compromise which surrendered their civil and political rights, even though this was to be exchanged for larger chances of economic development. DuBois's point and, according to him, the collective opinion of the majority of the Black community, was that self- respect was more important than any potential future economic benefits. Before Washington's conciliatory stance gained a foothold, â€Å"the assertion of the manhood rights of the Negro by himself was the main reliance. † In other words, DuBois resented what he saw as Washington â€Å"selling† Black pride: â€Å"†¦ Mr. Washington's programme naturally takes an economic cast, becoming a gospel of Work and Money to such an extent as apparently almost completely to overshadow the higher aims of life. The compromise included, in DuBois's words, â€Å"that black people give up, at least for the present, three things,– â€Å"First, political power, Second, insistence on civil rights, Third, higher education of Negro youth,–and concentrate all their energies on industrial education, the accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of the South. † The final point comprised the centerpiece both of Washington's strategy for the ultimate redemption of Black Americans and of DuBois's condemnation of that strategy. Indeed, Washington backed up his assertions by founding the Tuskeegee Institute as a trade school for young Black men. DuBois could not abide this type of appeasement. In his mind, this step was tantamount to the Black community telling the white community that, henceforth, Blacks would cease pretending to be equal to whites as human beings; rather, they would accept an overtly inferior social status as being worthy of maintaining the white majority's physical world, but unworthy of true equality, of conducting socio-cultural discourse with the mainstream society. The paradox must have been maddening for both men, especially Mr. Washington. He no doubt understood that, as a group, Blacks could never hope to progress to the point of equality from their position of abject poverty. Moreover, without skills, their hopes of escaping their economic inferiority were indeed scant. Washington's plan for blacks to at least become skilled artisans and tradesmen must have seemed logical to him from the standpoint of improving the economic lot of the average Black man. At the same time, he must have realized that, by accepting inferiority as a de- facto condition for the entire race, he may have broken the black spirit forever. In considering this matter, the writer is reminded of more recent events in American history–the affirmative action flap that occurred after Clarence Thomas's appointment to the U. S. Supreme Court, for example. Mr. Thomas, clearly a beneficiary of affirmative action, announced that he was nonetheless opposed to it. His argument was that if he had not been eligible for benefits under affirmative action programs, he would have still achieved his current position in the inner circle of this society's white power elite. Similarly, Booker T. Washington enjoyed access to the power elite of his time, but one must wonder whether President Roosevelt, for example, in his interactions with Mr. Washington, was not merely using the situation for public relations value. â€Å"[Mr. Washington] was ‘intimate' with Roosevelt from 1901 to 1908. On the day Roosevelt took office, he invited Washington to the White House to advise him on political appointments of Negroes in the south. † After all, he did not become a popular president by being oblivious to such political maneuvering. Perhaps Mr. DuBois was the more prescient visionary. Perhaps he understood what Mr. Washington did not, that after the critical historical momentum toward social acceptance that had been established prior to the late nineteenth century, if political pressure were not maintained, the cause of true equality would be lost forever. Moreover, DuBois understood that equality would not be earned through appeasement. From our perspective of over 100 years, we must admit that he may have been right. For example, in the aftermath of the â€Å"Atlanta Massacre† of September 22, 1906 and a similar incident in Springfield, Illinois, â€Å"it was clear to almost all the players that the tide was running strongly in favor of protest and militancy. â€Å"For six days in August, 1908, a white mob, made up, the press said, of many of the town's ‘best citizens,' surged through the streets of Springfield, Illinois, killing and wounding scores of Blacks and driving hundreds from the city. † However, it later turned out that DuBois was considered to be too extreme in the other direction. For example, as the NAACP became more mainstream, it became increasingly conservative, and this did not please DuBois, who left the organization in 1934. He returned later but was eventually shunned by Black leadership both inside and outside of the NAACP, especially after he voiced admiration for the USSR. In the political climate of the late 1940s and 1950s, any hint of a pro-communist attitude–black or white–was unwelcome in any group with a national political agenda. We can see, then, that neither Washington's strategy of appeasement nor DuBois's plan for an elite Black intelligentsia was to become wholly successful in elevating American Blacks to a position of equality. However, perhaps it was more than the leadership of any one Black man that encouraged African Americans to demand a full measure of social and economic equality.