Monday, October 7, 2019

School Uniforms A Necessity or Just Another Extreme Policy Essay

School Uniforms A Necessity or Just Another Extreme Policy - Essay Example Though some might disregard it as trivial, yet the reality of the matter is that this very issue decides the basic foundation of our society and its regimentation. The issue that this paper would seek to analyze would be that of school uniforms; are they actually a necessity or just another ploy to keep the society in check. Whether it is in fact actually a matter of extremity of regulatory behavior or something that can hold the society fundamentals in place. School uniforms as we all are aware are common to many nations across the globe; used mostly in the primary and secondary schools. While the most widely recognized are those which are worn by students at schools, other types can be occupations such as nursing etc. If one was to examine the dress code itself, the normal pattern has been that of wearing clothes of more passive nature. In the United States, the scenario is such that though many schools do not have uniforms per see, they do have regulated dress code. The dress code limits the amount of skin that can be exposed. The limitations can be found for such garments that either have holes in them, or are obscene, gang-related or even unsafe in certain cases.( Millikan) However, certain elements of what this standardization has to be analyzed and studied before deciding the fate of these uniforms. As this paper would go on to prove, the requirement of today is the existence of these uniforms. The society of today has been considerable weakened by negative influences and such uniforms are required in order to hold together the foundations of our society. In the private schools such as the Catholic ones uniforms can be found as a common aspect.( Millikan) The above details highlight the fact that though there are none of the stringent uniform codes, schools still sticks to certain standards. The reasons behind are due to the government's requirements to create such a society in which acts of violence, obscenity are controlled. The American society is a society which strongly believes in the rights of its citizens ,at the same time, these rights are regimented within certain boundaries and by instilling these values form the primarily level, the governments hope achieve to goal. (The Star online,2008) The above paper has merely examined the sort of practices that prevail regarding the use of uniforms and the variations that can occur due to the type of control and interest that is exhibited by the government. Now, regarding the question of how efficient a role these school actually play as a tool of necessity or a weapon to subdue the masses from the foundation; a study which was published by David Brunsma and Kerry Rockemore states: "The findings indicate that school uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral problems or attitudes". (Brunsma & Rockemore 1998) This paper will go on to prove contrary to the above findings that school unifo

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